8 9 ~ C a e s a r

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Present Day ~ July 23, 2011

They never learn, do they? They're like little hamsters, running around and around in their little wheels, not realizing that they are never going to get anywhere. It's a shame, really. If they didn't spend so much time on their wheels, then they might have escaped the cage already.

I walk into the diner the opposite of how Anna walks around this town. It makes me wonder a bit, the way she hides her face with a hat and the way she always sticks to the quiet side of the street. She laughs and smiles, and those are the days I see her fire. But now... It seems to be a bit dimmer. The flames aren't rising as high. I can't smell that bitter ashy scent of smoke.

Could it be the notes? I see her reaction every time she gets a new one... And watching her light flicker for a minute is all I need. I can see that fear flashing through her. I've finally gotten my grasp. I tell her to do something, and she does. It isn't out of loyalty. Fire can never be loyal. It's out of fear.

I've tamed my fire. And now we will put it to the test, my ultimate player, my elite soldier.

I walk into Archie's with a smile on my face. Nobody will recognize me. For that I am confident. If they do notice me, they will know that they should keep quiet if they want to keep their lives. I guess I've built up a reputation in the area.

Of course, there are always those that are brave, or stupid, who take it upon themselves to be the hero. Those are usually worthless, just pawns who strive only to stand apart from the other players. They play for the glory of it and not the game itself. They are never worth keeping around.

To be honest, I had planned to just shoot my little kindling before I saw her take the money. Before I saw her ember turn into an inferno.

A girl with dark hair tells me I can sit wherever I want. Like I wasn't planning to already.

So I chose my seat, a booth within the section of tables that this iceberg... Blue, she calls him... waits on. I sit patiently, watching as he comes to the table with a glass of water. He asks me if I'm ready to order, after rattling off some of the specials.

For a moment I think he remembers me from before. From when I originally followed this lead, months and months ago. Back then I thought my brother would be long gone from this town, that there was no point in searching here.

Apparently, I was wrong.

I order the cheapest thing on the menu, just like the kindling always does. I'm doing this in her honor, to help her get to where I need her to go. Where strike three will take place. He nods and heads off with the order.

My phone buzzes and I look down at it. She's running a little late, I see. It's about seven minutes until closing time, and if I don't want to get scorched, I'll have to be out of here by then. Not only that but I need to leave my message with just the right timing to catch them off guard.

The food comes out, and I pick at it for a minute. This food isn't as good as the food I've eaten at that grill across the street from the convenience store, the one with the good burgers. I can't get enough of them.

I've got three minutes left when I get my check. I asked for it early, despite the questioning glance I received from Blue. He doesn't seem to recognize me, which is good. Otherwise, I would have to punish my kindling for cheating.

The last time she cheated, brought other players into the game, I had to eliminate them. Her family knew too much. It would be a shame if I had to do that again.

And I know that she has cheated more than once. Sawyer, I believe his name was. It wasn't hard to use him in my game. You see, Anna. You may not realize it, but you've led me to where I needed to go. You've gotten me to the town, and so close that it wasn't hard to find the man I was looking for. It wasn't hard at all. Technically, I've won.

I'll let her off the hook for that one... She got me what I wanted. But now it's time to finish the game.

It's time to finish our little game before I go to meet this man I've been searching for. You won't know that the information I gave to Sawyer was from me. You won't know that I'm setting you up. Just that you have a choice.

I don't pay the check. Instead, I reach into my pocket and pull out the folded up clippings from the newspaper. I smile gently at them as I slide them inside the checkbook and stand up. I see you, coming in through the front. I double around a waiter carrying trays and make my way to the front door, unseen by your eyes.

I glance back to see the boy picking up the check and frowning at what's inside. See his expression harden as he skims over them, and when he sees you, he shoves the clippings back into his pocket. He smiles at you. Maybe the way you smile back at him tells me this, or maybe it's just the way you too look at each other, but suddenly I understand.

I've got my method now. On how to put out the fire in the finale.

He is your fuel, the thing that feeds your fire, keeps you going.

So maybe the finale, the final moves in this game we play, will have to be done carefully, strategically.

Maybe I will kill her immediately.

Maybe she will suffer first.

But who knows. I may have to get rid of her fuel, too.

After all, the best way to put down an elite soldier is to take away her ammunition. Give her no possible way to fight back. Don't even let her stand a chance.

In fact, I have a plan. The ball's already rolling, and I can't stop it now. I know how to get her there. I know how to put out the flame. And now, I just have to wait for her to fall into my trap.

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