1 1 1 ~ C a e s a r

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Present Day ~ July 24, 2011

It's not over.

I laugh as they drag me away, as the handcuffs scrape against my wrists and the ground beneath my feet sways. This wasn't the end. I'm not dead, and neither is the Kindling. Her fire still burns and I still breathe.

It's not over.

She may have won this round, but I'll find a way. I always catch up to them. Even if it's not soon, even if it's not for a while, I will come back.

She's not alone, but I can beat her forces.

In fact, Aaron has come to surprise me. I've found that he has a certain... spark in him as well. A fire of his own, fueled by something different than my Kindling's. Maybe, he may become a player, too.

Anna, if you want to play dirty, then that's what you'll get.

I'm in cuffs, but my followers won't let that last long. I'm not just promising them power. I'm not just training them to be like me. They each have a job to fill, and they aren't going to let me lose without a fight. They need me.

Because the game isn't over while we're both still standing.

The game isn't over until I say it is.

And I don't plan to stop until I've won.

See you on the other side, my little kindling.

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