Cute Friendship

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-J-Hope POV-




That girl is so cute.

Probably the cutest Army I've seen.

Then again all Armys are beautiful in my eyes, but Mai...

She's something.

I smiled like an idiot just thinking about her.

"Whats with the smirk, hyung?" Taehyung said and slammed himself on my bed.

I shook my head and wiped the smirk off my face, "Nothing. Just chilling." I shrugged.

He layed beside me, "You sure? Where'd you go last night?"

To see a beautiful girl.

"Went out for a walk. Nothing much."

"Jinjja? Why didn't you ask me to go with you?"

"You were busy with Jungkook."

"He didn't wanna play, Jimin was being mean, Namjoon was also out, Jin was alseep and Yoongi scolded me. I was bored you know!"

I sighed, "Your problem..not mine."

" too? Whatever..I'll go play games by myself then. DON'T try and stop me." He muttered and left my room.

I scratched my head and checked my Twitter.

Army's are always tweeting so much love, I appreciate it but..I hope they don't always waste their time on us. They need to live their lives too.

But whatever, I'm going to post up a video and send a secret code message to Mai. If she gets it. Or even sees it. She must have Twitter..right?

I pressed record.

"Oh MAII~ girl. Where are Yuhoo~" I sang and smiled, "Annyeonghaseyo!" I cheered then stopped recording.

I'll leave the caption blank but with my initials on it.

And done.

Hope that makes you smile chingu.

I put my phone away and put on a shirt then went out to the main room.

Jungkook is layed out on the couch watching TV with Jimin.

"Hey guys.." I yawned.

Jimin: Hey hyung..where were you last night? Tae was being annoying.

"When isn't he annoying? I was out."

Jungkook: Obviously you were out? But where'd you go?


They both chuckled and shook their heads.

Jin hyung walked in.

Jin: Tsk tsk tsk. Last night I saw a clean room. Now where'd it go? I'd like it back. Clean up.

Jungkook: I didn't make this mess -_-

Jimin: Neither did I.

Jin hyung sighed and glared at me.

"Don't look at me? I was out."

Jin: Oh yeah. Where'd you go? You didn't give me a heads up.

"Uhm..I don't have to?"

Jin: *rolls eyes* Just clean up.

All: But-


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