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Lena went home right after she left the hospital, it was for her own safety.

I haven't seen Eunice yet, but I hope to visit her today, I had called her earlier this week. She was happy to hear from me and I was glad to hear she's doing okay.

But I miss my little munchkin! I bought her a t-shirt that signifies our friendship, I have the same one. They're best friend shirts, I saw it at the mall and decided to pick it up.

While all this may sound like "good news" it's actually not.

Hoseok never has time for me, which I must understand, considering the fact he IS J-Hope from BTS, the group that hardly gets any rest, just like every hardworking kpop group out there.


He hasn't even called me, or messaged me, or even bother to reply to mine.

On top of that, Jimin practically hates me. He said it's my fault Eunice got hurt.

Technically speaking, it is my fault..

I slept with Joshua, but how was I supposed to know he was a psycho path?

The police has actually called me in for questioning, what I was informed scared the hell out of me.

Turns out that this isn't the first sick stunt Joshua pulls. In fact, he's on Korea's most wanted list.

He's known to sleep with girls and catch this obsession over them, the minute they try and cut him off, he goes wild. So wild he ends up murdering them in gruesome unhuman like manners.

I've heard a few cases..

There was one of this 21 year old woman, she was to be married the day after. Her bachelor party took place in a small venue she and her friends rented. Joshua was one of the "strippers" and ended up making her sleep with one last stranger (being him) before she dedicated her life to someone else.

On one night during her honeymoon, she was killed. Joshua had followed her and her husband to their desired vacation. Of course when she saw him again she freaked out and told him to fuck off.

But knowing Joshua...

That didn't happen.

Another case was about this young 19 year old girl whose dream was to become a top model. Joshua lied to her saying he was an agent of some sort, but of course there was an exchange.

After he got what he wanted, he continuously lied to her. Just so she can remain with him, it lasted for about a month until the girl clearly got the picture he was just a poser. A liar.

But of course, when she tried to cut him off, he did it first by cutting bits of her face off and feeding them to raccoons. All right before her eyes.

I heard she survived, however, she is now out of this world insane, and is locked away in a very secured mental hospital.

An fbi detective, Seung Jae, told me he's been trying to track down Joshua for years now. He said, "It's a case I'm willing to take to my grave. That guy needs to suffer the consequences until his very last breath."

At first I thought he was a devoted young man who has a strong passion for his career.

But...unfortunately, that was not the reason.

Eunah, was her name. Joshua's first and only true love. Also happened to be, detective Seung Jae's baby sister.

Eunah and Joshua were high school sweethearts, they did everything together. A typical high school love.

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