Our Secret

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-Mai POV-

I arrived home and sighed in relief.


Now I just have to shower, eat and bed. Maybe I'll call Hobi? Eh idk.

I'm still freaked out about what happened today. I met my two bias wreckers in the weirdest way O.o


I happily dropped all my things and hopped in the shower. I played my radio and dance/sing to kpop.

Ahh yes~

Showers are everything~

Afterwards, I changed into dry clothing and finished brushing my hair.

My phone was blinking blue.


Did he call me?!

I checked.

Omg he did!

Wait..he left a voicemail?


I pressed play.

Voicemail: "Hey Mai, uhm..I'm just calling to let you know that uh.. the guys found out and now we're on our way to your place. Please please pleasseee don't chicken out. They're nice. They will be. Ok? I'm so sorry. I'll explain everything. Annyeong.."

I dropped my phone.


I covered my mouth to avoid screaming.

This isn't happening. This can't be happening to me! I just showered. I have no makeup on! My hairs damp too. Ugh I look ugly!

I thought for a moment, then I gasped loudly.

Jimin is going to see me.

He'll definitely recognize me.

*Banging on the door* "HELLO?! ANYONE HOME?"

My eyes widen.

They're already here.

I squealed in fear.

Slowly and cautiously I peeped through the whole.

They're all here....


*bangs on the door* "MAI!!!"

I covered my mouth and jerked away in fear. That was Taehyung.

"Aish! You're going to scare her. Stop!"


"This is ridiculous."

-door bell rings-

My eyes widen.

Omg no.

I ran to my bathroom.

Jimin can't see me!

Quickly and carefully I put on my light green face mask. Jimin wouldn't be able to recognize me. As bad as I'll embarrass myself in front of my bias group, Jimin cannot recognize me.

He'll know I'm the girl he yelled at, at the Cafe. He will know I know his secret.

I'm just trying to avoid all the problems ><

But I'm probably just making more.

My face mask was on and I went and answered the door.

As soon as I opened, all their eyes widen.

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