Forever Lucky

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The first house was way too big for me, too many rooms and a bunch of space I didn't need.

The second house was too small, very sharp corners and a very tiny bathroom. Like I can't be in a tight space, I'm claustrophobic.

The third house was just ugly and the fourth house was in a very isolated creepy looking neighborhood so no..

Hopefully this next house meets my standards.

But along the way, I had fun checking them out, only because of course my boyfriend was with me. Hobi's fun and free spirited personality is what I need around me. He never let my hand go and only pointed out the benefits of each house. Which of course I didn't agree with all, but appreciated it.

Detective Seung however, I can tell he's getting frustrated, since I haven't come to a decision yet :/

He isn't rushing me though, he wants to be sure I'm content with my decision and of course that I'm safe.

I really hope this next house is the one, I'm tired..

"Ok, here we are!" Detective Seung said.

Hobi and I looked out the window.


It's beautiful!

Hoseok: Perfect!

He said in English. We looked at each other and laughed.

Detective Seung got out the car as did us.

My house.

This is it.

Not too big, or too small, it's just right

DS: What do you think?

"It looks like my kind of house!"

Hoseok: It's close to the dorm too ^-^

I smiled at him.

DS: How about we get a better look at it.

I nod and hold my babes hand as we all walk inside.

( ^ ω ^ )


Perfect fit, I swear.

I happily observed my surroundings.

Hoseok: Wow..this looks better than the dorm. Haha. *ashamed*

DS: Yeah this place looks so modern.

Just my type.

I smiled and looked at Detective Seung, "I'll take it." I said.

Hoseok: Jinjja !?

DS: Are you sure?

I nod eagerly, "Yes please! This is very suitable for me."

DS: Ok well..guess this is it.

I clapped happily.

Hoseok: Hey I have a question?

DS: Ask me.

Hoseok: Where's the person that sells houses? Shouldn't they have been here?

Oh yeah..that's a good question.

I can't believe I just noticed. .-.

My instincts started to kick in.

DS: Is there a problem I did it?


DS: I checked out all 8 houses available last week. So don't worry about the guide or whatever.

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