Psycho VS Pyscho

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"Here MAI Kitty Kitty Kitty~"

I banged on the window, "SEUNG JAE!" I screeched loudly to grasp his attention

To my luck he noticed, "Mai?..MAI!" He yelled once he noticed I'm in serious danger.

The car took off and it was only a matter of seconds when Seung Jae swooped into his car and drive after me.

My breathing was quick and I kept banging on the window and screaming for help. I tried to jump out the car in any way possible, but Shin-Mae had everything locked. Even the windows.

She let out a horrific devious laugh as she drove unstable. I forced myself to look at her and only saw the reflection of her dark eyes through the mirror.

They were strikingly terrorizing, they looked like real cat eyes. Her pupils weren't normal shaped, they had that cat like sense to them. Her under eyes were deep and dark. It seems almost as if she never sleeps, but that's not the worst part.

The worst part was the way she was glaring at me, while she kept driving. I mean, imagine that? You're in the back seat of a car, while a psycho killer is staring you down intensely and driving.

I'm surprised we haven't crashed.

"You wanna play a game?" She hissed.

"Stay the hell away from me!" I told her.

She giggled, "YOU'RE SO FRIGGEN CUTE."

Did she just call me cute?


There was a harsh thump, making me fall forward, closer to her.

I yelped.

She sniffed me, "You smell yummy." She said.

"Fuck.." I cussed, I couldn't get up, I was stuck.

She noticed and smirked, "What's the matter, Mai? Cat got ya tongue?"

I let out a painful scream of fear.

She threw her head back and laughed in a maniacal way.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screeched.

Shin-Mae grabbed a good lock of my hair and pulled me up, forcing me to stare deeply into her evil stare.

"What was that my little kitty?"


She seemed deep in thought as she stared into my pure eyes, then cackled and threw me back into the back seat. I yelped as my head hit a solid spot.

"You idiotic, worthless, little girl." She hissed, "It's not you I'm after."

"It's not?" I responded immediately.

"No? I could careless about the next bitch Hoseok gets with"

I watched her in fear.

Her terrorizing disgusting smile plasters on her face, "It's HIM I'm after."

Him as in, Hoseok.

Before I could say anything, she continued.

"All I wanted, was HIM. He was the one, the only, I gave in too fast. He ran away like how a mice runs away from it's predators. It was just my luck, I was diagnosed with my unfortunate disease and mental disorder, and HE gets famous and shit. How unfair us that?" She said and turned to glare at me, "You think you have a good guy on your hands? Haha. Don't get so comfortable."

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