Lovely Visit

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-1 Week Later-

Hoseok and the boys have been very busy with fan signs/interviews and working on their next comeback. I've also been so caught up with work and taking care of Hope, I hardly get any sleep.

I work night shifts from time to time and take Hope out for a jog every morning, so my schedule is booooked.

But thankfully today is my day off, I cherish it more than I cherish Hoseok. It's a day where I can take a breath, Hope doesn't do much as well, guess she's more like me than I thought.

-knock knock-

"Arf arf!" Hope ran to the door and began to scratch it, eager to know who's here.

"Arrgghh.." I groaned

"Oh word?" Someone said.

That voice..

I gasped, "No way!" I yelled and put down my mug and run to answer the door.

I opened, "LENA!" I screamed.

"MAI!" She screamed back.


I hugged her, "YOU'RE HERE AHH!" I cheered.

"Yesss mamas heere!" She squealed.

I laughed pulling away, "I thought you had another week?"

"I lied." She smiles, "Hey beautiful! I finally meet you~" she said to Hope as she bent down to pet her.

"Haha" I shook my head.

"I see you changed up the place since last time.." she said observing my house.

"Yeah.." I mumbled, "I do it when I don't see Hoseok."

She gasped and looked at me, "Your amazing boyfriend who so happens to be apart of the hottest boy group?"

"Arf!" Hope licked her face making her giggle.

I giggled along, "Yep that's him."

She squealed, "Can I meet him?" She asked and rised up again.

"I don't know." I said unfortunately, "He's been really busy. We haven't even talked either."

Hope weeped.

She frowned, "Oh."

"But hey if he facetimes me then maybe?"

She claps, "That's enough for me!"

"Lemme help you with your bags." I said and grab one.

"Gamsahabnida!" She said.

We giggle.

That afternoon, Lena and I roamed the streets, with Hope of course on her leesh, first we hit my favorite Cafe for bubble teas then went window shopping. I honestly missed my best friend dearly, she totally gets me and my weirdness.

Perhaps if she meets Eunice, the three of us can have girl time. I think it'd be fun.

"Omg so tell me!" She said as we take a seat on a bench in the park, "What are the boys like up close and personal?" She asked.

"Huh?" I was confused

"The boys." She said and leaned in, "BTS." She whispered and backed up again, "For sure you met them all."

I chuckled, "Oh..yeah I did."

Hope was sniffing the ground and doing what normal dogs do.

She squealed, "Tell me! How is my baby Jungkook?"

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