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-Mai POV-

Honestly I feel like shit.

I haven't seen Hoseok.


Or the boys.

Lena's my only company, followed by the police officer that was assigned to me. His names Troy, a very nice young man, he's a foreigner like me. Just turned 22.

Although he's been very protective, I still feel very unsafe and unsecured.

Whoever is out to get me is probably watching me right now. At this very moment.

Every night I get nightmares of what could possibly go wrong. I dream and all I see is blood and hear painful screams. It's horrifyingly disturbing.

Detective Seung is trying his hardest to track down this person. The only information he's been given, was that the person who sent the letters, is a girl. A woman to be exact, said to be around her mid 20s.

Just the thought scares me, what if she's an accomplice with Joshua? Or worse..what if she's a...


I've read of sasaengs before, even saw a few videos about them. They're the type of people that don't even fall into the category of "fans" they're human beings who could let their lives wash away while they stalk another. Such as, stalking their idol, they do twisted things like camp outside their homes, send weird disturbing gifts, or the most horrifying one, break into the homes. They do anything in their power to get closer to their idol, even if it means going to the extremes.

But detective Seung warns me not to make such irrational assumptions, he said there's no sasaeng alive that would be capable of doing such things.

Obviously he hasn't read fanfictions or get to know what the kpop world is like.

The most known group to have ever dealt with serious issues from sasaengs, is JYJ. I believe a member was slapped in the face by one, that girl who slapped him said she did it so that he'd remember her.

Creepy right?

Another member I believe, was kissed by one, it was said that the sasaeng had snucked into his room and kissed him while he was sleeping.

Supposedly there was another case with G-Dragon, the worldwide kpop star, he had gotten a letter written in a girls period blood.

If some were capable to do that, then why wouldn't some be capable of doing life threatening things?

I'd hate to see BTS go through such disturbing situations, and I'd hate it even more if I were the cause of it.

Which is why I'm desperate to have this whole shit end.

"Mai!" Lena called, "Omg Mai please come!"

My heart burned as I cautiously made my way to the living room where I saw her reading another letter.

"What is that?" I asked, a bit afraid to know.

She looked at me, "Mai we need more protection, this isn't funny anymore."

"What is it? Another letter?"

Lena handed me the paper she held.

'G3t 0Ut, y0U'R3 RUNN1NG 0Ut 0f tiM3'

"What the fuck is this shit?!" I exclaimed, "This is getting ridiculous." I snapped and opened my door and stood out on the porch.


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