Jeju Island (PT. 1)

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-J-Hope POV-

Seeing Mai smile and laugh is really rewarding, I hadn't seen her this happy in a while. It feels great.

Perhaps this is the time to finally bring back the old days. Sneak out to see her and only be in love. Not having to worry or be scared for a while.

I plan on taking her out.

On a date.

Not just any date though.

Like a real memorable date she'll always remember.

But in order to do that, I gotta think of an amazing plan to do so. If not, my management can scold me big time

If only I had the guts to tell them, I can't continue to hide it like Jimin does. He has different reasons but mine are just out of the picture.

Who knows how they might feel about this, or how my fans could feel if they hear about it.

It's just a risk I'm scared to take.

Yet again, when I look at Mai...I can't bare to think that everything will be ok. She'll be ok..


I really want to make her happy, I want to have her all to myself again. I don't want her to go through with what she's already gone through. If it were up to me, I'd pack up and run away with her.

But this is the real world and in the real world you need to think rationally.

I just hope we get through it, together.

Jin: As much as I'd hate to ruin the fun, our manager is asking where we are, which is our cue.

I put my arm around my girl, "I'll see you soon."

Mai pouted.

Taehyung: Don't make that face *pouts*

Jungkook: Yeah, you should smile, like this! *makes Lena smile by pinching her cheek*

Lena: Omg! *jerks away surprised and turns red*

Jungkook laughed.

Namjoon: Okkk enough now. We need to go, take care Mai.

Mai: I will..

Yoongi: Bye Lena.

He hugged her.


Lena: *blushing* B-b-byyee...

Jungkook hugged her too.

She squealed and hugged him tightly.

Mai: *rolls her eyes* you're getting annoying now..

I giggled, "Don't act like you don't get excited when I hug you."

Mai: We've done more than just hug though..

Everyone: O.O

Damn, I didn't expect her to put our business out there like that..haha.

I cleared my throat, "Uhm..whatever, I'll just see you soon. Ok?"

She nods and we exchange a sweet kiss.

Detective Seung assured Mai to call him whenever or for whatever. He really has stepped up his game, I can imagine all the stress he's gone through.

After we officially said our goodbyes, Jae drove us home and I got all sad. Again.

Why can't I just turn back time to the point I was a trainee, and fix my mistake. Shin-Mae and I would've never done anything, and perhaps she wouldn't be crazy.

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