Cover Up

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She attacked me!

I know exactly who this is!

I screamed in fear and whimpered as she hovered over me, "Look at me Hoseok." She hissed, "Look at me."

I forced myself to look into those evil dark eyes.

She smiled horrifyingly, "Am I still puurrrttyyy?" She purred like a cat.

Jungkook kicked her in the face.

Jungkook: Hyung!

He grabbed me and helped me up.

Everyone watched in horror as some were recording as well.

This isn't going to end well, this is going all over the internet, the news, national tv, I'm going to raise publicity to my company and my members.

We're all in danger now.

Lee Shin-Mae sprang up and hissed at everyone, scarring them with just her eyes, her eyes met mine, she didn't smile this time, instead, she licked her lips.

Then in a heartbeat, she dashed through the glass windows and ran away.



-@ the hospital-

-Mai POV-

I'm in the waiting room with Eunice, thankfully she wasn't badly injured. My arm was bitten but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

But still, I'm traumatized.

I shot someone today, a creature to be exact, it was something I never thought I'd do. I did it in order to save my best friend.

Now she's in the emergency room fighting for her life.

All of this is getting out of control, a nurse came walking towards us.

"Hello girls."

Neither of us said a word.

"Your friend is ok."

My eyes lit up, "Really?! Can I go see her!"


I frowned.

"At least not yet."

I softly smiled.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I don't know how to feel aside from traumatized." I admitted.

She nods, "Understandable, and you miss?"

Eunice held my hand, "I just hope Lena is ok.."

The nurse nods, "I'll let you know when she wakes up."

"Oh." I mumbled, "Can I just go in and wait till she wakes up? Please, I know she wants me to be the first person she sees, I can only imagine what was going through her mind..I mean...last time.." I trailed off.

Flashbacks of what happened the last time she visited, rushed through my mind.

I shaked my head, "Never mind, can I go in now?"

The nurse smiled warmly, "Well I don't see why not, of course you can, come along."

Eunice and I followed the nurse, she escorted us in the white room, I laid eyes on Lena. Her enite ribcage was bandaged up and she did have a few scratches and stitches on her face. Her eyes are so puffed up, I wonder how bad Shin-Mae attacked her

I don't want to ask, Eunice, because I feel like it'll be hard for her to want to remember. She saw things that will most likely stay in her nightmares.

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