Or Else What?

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-That afternoon-


Work is so stressful right now.

At least I know Hope isn't alone and Lena has some company. Thank goodness I go home early today, I just want to sleep. And cry.

The thought of Hoseok being upset, upsets me! I don't want him to get more stressed than he already is. All because of a selfish mistake I did and now all the consequences are spreading.

Hopefully things get settled.

I'll have to put a restraining order on that guy.

-phone rings-


"Hey boo~" I answered.

"Are you out of work yet?" She asked.

"Arf!" I heard Hope.

"No why?" I asked. "Is everything ok?"

"Well...I don't know. I'm hearing things and it's really creeping me out."

What if that bastard is there? Then again how could he get in? Aside from that, if I give her any assumptions she might get more frightened than she already is.

"It's probably just all in your head, I'll get off work soon and go file a restraining order then see you at home. Ok?"

She sighed, "Please hurry. I'm literally scared, what if Josh-"

"Hope is there. Ok? Don't assume silly nonsense." I told her.

"Ok..you're right..yeah.."

"I'll be home soon." I assured.



Please god do not let anything happen to my friend. She's like my sister.

With that in mind, I tried my best to stay focused on work.

-Hours Later-

Alright, I signed the papers and all that, so now there's a restraining order against Joshua. The authorities assured me they'd let him know and warn him.

I feel kinda safe now.

"Ahh~" I breathed out.

At that moment, I thought of something I usually always think about.


Hmm..I wonder what Hoseok is doing? I find it strange I haven't heard from him all day. Usually we text each other cute things here and there on our daily basis.

You know what else is weird? I haven't heard from Eunice either. She's always texting me.

"Weird." I told myself.

Perhaps he's either upset or busy, I can't even imagine. I don't want to.

One thing for sure is, he isn't mad at me. Because then I'll feel soo horrible.

I took my time going home due to my tiredness, I work too hard.

Hopefully Lena could take Hope out for her night walk. All I wanna do is sleep, honestly. How many times do I gotta repeat that?

Taking the bus home isn't always easy, the bus was too crowded and delayed as well. I felt like home was a lot more far away than it usually was.

At last, my bus came to my stop, I said thank you and goodnight to the bus driver and started walking home.

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