Free To Be Happy

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"BigHit would like a word with you." He said.

My heart skipped a beat.


"They have a few things to say."

"Such as.. what?"

"I advise you that nothing bad will happen, but however, this is urgent and you need to do this. Let's go."

"No." I refused.

"Mai, please."

"No, I'm scared." I said.

Mrs. Seung: Honey could you give us a second?

DS: *sigh* we don't have time!

Mrs. Seung: -_-

DS: Fine.

He leaves the room.

Lily looked at me.

"Sweety, I think you should go."

"No! You can't make me go!" I said.

"But don't you want to see your boyfriend?"


If I go, I might be able to see my precious Hoseok, the one I've missed so much.

We haven't spoken in days and it felt like forever.

Our last kiss was literally on that jet, before we were separated.

Before we were exposed.

Before I had a seizure..


"No, I'm afraid." I said again.

"I know you're afraid, and I'm sure he's afraid as well, but there's no doubt he's most likely more anxious to see you." She said.

I didn't want to, but I smiled.

She's right.

Despite everything, I know he loves me back and aches to see me, feel me, kiss me, make sure I'm ok.

Gosh I miss him..

I nod, "Ok..I'll go." I say as I get up from my chair.

Mrs. Seung smiles, "Great." She says and calls in her husband.

"You ok? Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am. I'm good. I think?" I said.

He chuckled, "Ok, let's get going then, I'll see you soon hun."

Mrs. Seung, "Ok baby."

We left the premises.

Driving to BigHit sure did trigger all my senses, I was nervous out of my mind. I wasn't sure what they had to say to me. Not a damn clue, who will I talk to? Hitman Bang? Their manager? The ceo? Who?

Although, I am anxious to see Hoseok, I'd like to see the boys again. I know they've been ok but I need to be sure. I miss them, and I definitely want to know if Jimin is really ok.

Just some assurance would be great.

"Seung Jae?"


"Is Hoseok ok?"

"He's fine, don't worry, Jimin was found yesterday, actually."


"He was? Where was he? Is Eunice ok?" I asked anxiously.

"They were found playing outside of some motel, in the middle of no where. To be honest, it seemed like they didn't give a care in the world. They looked happy."

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