Gone For A While

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I leaned back in my seat, "That's it? That's the best advice?" I asked.

He stared at me for a brief moment then smiled, "Yeah, don't want to die, right?"


"Then I suggest you run as fast as you can, babe." He smirks.

My face cringed.

Detective Seung noticed I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

DS: Alright, that'll be all, thank you Joshua.

Joshua: It was my pleasure.

He looked at me.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Take good care of yourself now, Mai." He said with a wide grin on his face, "Try not to fall into her trap, or you'll end up here, with me."

I scoffed and barged out of there, Seung Jae followed.

"Mai, wait up." He called.

I stopped and looked at him, "Am I crazy?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"No!" He denied, "Gosh don't let him get to you now, c'mon lets go."

We left the premises.

Detective Seung bought me ice cream to make me feel better, but in all honesty it didn't really help. I miss Hoseok and how things used to be. I sort of wished it was Hoseok buying me ice cream and not detective Seung, I wish everything was the way it was then, I feel myself crumbling up as the days go by..

"Alright, you're here, I'll have an electrician come within an hour to install a home security system all over the place and make sure to have all lights off by tonight. I gotta head back to the boys, they're expecting me."

I sighed, "Arasso.."

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know how to feel anymore." I said bluntly, "So much has happened and...and..." I held back my tears, "I'm scared." I said and looked at him

He frowned, "I understand, but we'll pull through, things WILL go back to normal."

"When?" I snapped, "I lost my house and personal belongings, such as documents, pictures, scrapbooks..." I shaked my head, "those things are stuff I'll never get back."

"Mai, be more self compassionate."

"Fuck out of here." I snapped again and barged out of the car.

He barged out too, "Mai!"

"Don't worry about me just do your job." I yelled without sparing him a glance.

"Omg Mai, wait!"

I walked faster until he grabbed my wrist and spun me around, "I know its hard now, very hard, probably the hardest thing you've ever had to go through." He added, "But there is always an outcome."

He stared into my eyes, I sighed and looked down from his gaze, "Thank you for everything...I'll go inside now."

He nods and let's me go, "Officer Troy will be here soon."

Without answering, I walked in with so much fear and hate.

Eunice: Hey- *gasp* Mai! What happened to your head?

"My what?" I said and then remembered, "Oh yeah..."

Mom: Mai what happened?

General: You went to see Joshua, huh?

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