Not Safe

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My house was too broken down and non reconstructive. I've lost all my personal belongings and personal documents. Lena too, she's stuck here until she gets a new passport, everything was detroyed. It's like we're trapped here now.

However, I was grateful enough to stay with Eunice, she insisted.

Although, I still think I shouldn't, aside from being a burden, what if my stalker comes here and terrorizes her family? Her dad's a general in the army but I'm afraid he's not enough protection.

I feel as if, the more protection I get, the more bad things will happen.

It's been so far a week, and nothing has gone wrong, but I wouldn't be so quick to think that.

Hoseok knows what's going on and even he's scared shitless. Along with Jimin and the others, I heard that now Jungkook and Yoongi have received odd messages. I encouraged them to tell their agency but they refused, only because of my relationship and Jimins. They wouldn't want to put our relationship in jeopardy, which I thought was sweet but it isn't an excuse.

Last night I did my own research on Lee Shin-Mae, turns out that she's the most feared woman in Gwangju, South Korea. Hoseok was born there, he said he went to school with her and stuff.

There was an article explaining her background story, such as her childhood and her training. Turns out that she had a very abusive father and a whore for a mother. So I understand why she could've went crazy after Hoseok did what he did. Just imagine? All your life you were thrown to the side, abused, ignored, you felt unworthy, then a guy comes in and shows you that there are good people in the world. You're exposed to compassion and then in a blink of an eye, it's gone.

I almost feel bad, but I'm still terrified of her, she's become a monster, it isn't her fault but still. She doesn't feel any pity for me so why should I for her? Besides! My parents weren't the best either but I didn't turn out to be a psycho killer.

As I read along the articles, I found one in particular, it was a blog actually. It had a picture of the boys attached to it, and below it, was a paragraph. A paragraph explaining ones experience after a BTS fan sign event. At first I thought it was cute, but then it got ugly as I read along, they had described how they'd sexually interact with each member.

Now I know I've read smuts before, I'm guilty in that, but this blog was not a smut. In fact it was too descriptive that I couldn't continue to read. Hoseok and I have done it, but never too graphic like that blog described.

Since I was so disturbed by it, I called Seung Jae over to look in on it. What he found, was not surprising.

Lee Shin-Mae wrote it.

That only means that she's been inches away from the boys. It's creepy as hell.

If the day ever comes where one of the boys gets hurt, that's it. I'll leave, I wouldn't bare to know that I was the cause of their tragedy. For sure Hoseok wouldn't let me go, he's proven that, but I'd insist. The only thing Shin-Mae wants from me, is to stay away from Hoseok.

This is all jealousy, clearly, but honestly it's beyond that as well. Since she couldn't keep him, I guess she doesn't want anyone to keep him.

But it isn't my fault...


"MAI!" Eunice screamed.

Her scream startled me, I panicked a little as I ran outside to her porch.

"What is-" I stopped, I froze like a statue as soon as I saw another letter.

"Mai..look.." she nearly cried.

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