A Haunting

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-Mai POV-

I woke up nude and wrapped in Hoseok's arms along with the sheets.

We totally made hot love last night, I could never get enough. He is just amazing.

As always, I observed his facial features, I love every precised structure.

He's all mine...

Only mine..

Than ever so slowly, he opened his bright eyes and met mine.

I smiled, "Hey.."

"Hey.." he whispered and smiled back.

I leaned in and softly pecked his lips.

He smiles within the kiss and holds me tighter, "Mm...waking up to you is peaceful..unlike waking up to the guys."

I chuckle light heartedly, "Why's that?"

"They're all annoying." He answered bluntly and sat up.

He stretched out, "I don't want to go to work today.." he sighed.

I smiled and sat up, resting my head on his shoulder, "You have to make Armys happy, Hoseok."

"I know but...ugh."

I held his chin and made him meet my eyes, "I'm an Army too, aside from being your girlfriend."

"But you're a special Army." He winked.

I laughed, "Please make your fans happy, I care about your career. You're dream. It's important." I told him.

He smiled widely, "This is why I believe all Armys will love you. Because you just want whats best for me, just like them. You want me to be happy."

I smiled, that's right.

He looks away, "I should go...as much as I don't want to."

I held him, "Just work hard. I'll see you soon."

He nods and begins to dress.

I wonder if Lena is home?

Maybe she is.

After we dressed, I left the room and head to the kitchen.

Indeed my best friend was already up and about.

"Good morning." She greeted.

"Hey.." I said awkwardly, feeling so embarrassed because she probably heard my business last night..

Hoseok soon walked in finishing zipping up his sweater when he noticed Lena.

"Oh shit." He said.

Lena laughed, "Good morning." She said in Korean.

Hoseok awkwardly smiled then looked at me.

"I need to go.." he said

I nod and go to hug him, he kisses my cheek and our noses touch.

"Please stay safe." He whispered.

"Mhm. You too." I whispered back.

He kisses my lips so sweetly then leaves without another word.

I frowned, "I miss him already." I said.

Lena smiled, "Girl your so needy, pay some attention to me now!"

I sighed, "Sorry. What do you want to do today?"

"Hmm. I was thinking...movies?"

I smiled, "That'd be great. Sure, why not."

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