Idol's Girlfriend

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-J-Hope POV-

I sighed as I took my seat in the airplane, "Here we go.." I mumbled.

"Hyung move over," Taehyung asked.

I scooted over, he gladly took his seat and adjusted himself. Then Namjoon came along and sat right at the edge.

I guess I'm sitting with Namjoon and Taehyung. They both had their headphones on so I decided I'd do the same.

Jungkook: Hobi, you ight?

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

Jungkook: You won't see Mai for a while..

Jimin, who was just behind Jungkook looked at me.

I nod and shrug, "I know, there's nothing I could do about it.."

Jimin: You'll be fine.

I smile at him but don't say anything, since the others don't know yet about his situation. Jimin knows how I feel, I appreciate that he's been helping me a lot. Despite how hypocritical he was before.

Yoongi: We'll go and come back. She can wait.

I chuckle, "Yeah..I hope so.."

Mai and I see each other on a regular basis, we make every second worth it and memorable. But now that I'll be overseas, I don't know. Would she still want me?

As I scrolled through my phone, I noticed my baby sent me a message.

I didn't hesitate to open it.

'From Mai<3: Have a safe trip baby, I'll be sure to wear your sweater every night and imagine I'm with you xo.'

I noticed she attached a picture along with the text, I opened up the sms and smiled almost instantly.

She took a full body picture, wearing just my sweater, I couldn't help but laugh. My sweater is soo big on her, it almost fits her like a dress.

Ahh my jagi is so precious to me.

I saved the photo then put away my phone before my manager noticed.

Hopefully I just get these concerts over with and come back home fast. The plane hasn't taken off yet and I already miss, Mai. I miss her touch and her embrace, especially her kisses.

Don't worry jagi, when I come back I'll be sure to fill in all the time I missed with you.

Just hope nothing happens in between.


-Mai POV-

"Aish..Eunice I miss him." I whined.

Eunice giggled, "I miss Jimin, but they'll be back before you know it. It's only a week." She reminded.

"But I've been with Hoseok for 5months, I can't cope with this."

She laughs a bit more, "Oh Mai, just relax, enjoy your time alone while he's gone. Sometimes I can't stand Jimin so I appreciate when I can have me time."

I nod, "I guess you're right, gee I never thought of it that way?" I smile, "Thanks girl, I'm ok now."

She nods, "No problem unnie."

I sighed, "So what should we do?"

"Hmm.." she thought, "How about we go get some manis and pedis ^-^?"

I chuckle, "Sure that'd be fun."

"Yes! Ok let me quickly get ready."

I grab my babys sweater and put it on then went to slip on my shoes.

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