Secrets Are Out

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-J-Hope POV-

Finally back in Korea after a whole month, I sure did miss home. Especially Mai, hopefully I can stop by her house today.

I smiled just thinking how happy she'll be, I lied to her saying I won't be back for another week. Jimin did the same with his girl, and hopefully in a few days, Hwayoung can meet the rest of the boys.

After getting through the airport, we were on our way home. I have to see Mai before she sees those airport photos. If not then she'll know I'm back and it won't really be a surprise anymore.

"Hehehe. Aww.." Jimin mumbled while looking down at his phone.

I looked at him, "What's up?"

He looked up and met my eyes, "Huh? Oh nothing." He smiles, "Nothing at all."


We arrived at our dorm and settled back inside, I couldn't leave until our staff was out of site, along with our manager. And of course to make sure there was nothing else of us to do.

Jimin didn't seem like he was going to surprise Hwayoung yet, I told him and the others I was going for "a walk". They assured me they had my back.

-text message-

'From Mai<3: I can't wait until your home :( I really miss you oppa..'

I smiled almost too fast, she's so cute and comforting. Man I can wait to see her and hear her voice. Especially those eyes and that smile..ahh. they make me melt.

With that being said, I was finally eligible to leave and roam the streets. But I put my earphones in, took the bus and headed straight to Mai's place.

J-Hope coming your way~


The feeling of anxiety increased drastically once I reached her house. Her small cute house.

My babys inside there, clueless of what's bound to happen. Saddened because I'm "not home". I chuckled.

"Let's do this." I said to myself and walked up to her doorstep then knocked immediately.

"Who is it?" She called.

"Your hope!" I yelled happily.

I heard a loud gasp and couldn't help but smile even more.

She opened the door, "HOBI!!" She yelled and jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist ever so happily.

I held her in my embrace, "Ahhhh.. I missed you jagi!" I cheered and kissed her cheek as I walked inside.

My heart felt warm again, I missed her soft tender touch. Her flowery scent~

Mai didn't hesitate to crash her lips on to mine, I smiled within the kiss and carefully put her down.

She broke the kiss, "What happened? I thought you weren't coming back until next week?" She said tilting her head cutely.

I pecked her lips, "Surprise~"

She giggles, "You're the cutest!" She said and hugged me again.

Just for you. All just for you.

"Arf arf!"


I yelped once a little white dog came running at me and tugging at my jeans.

Mai laughs, "Hope!"

"Hope?" I retaliated.

She picks up the little Shitzu and smiles at me, "I picked her up not too long ago, a lady was giving away puppies for free. I couldn't pass that up so I took one, her names Hope."

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