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-Mai POV-

It's been 2 days since I've heard or seen J-Hope.

I hope he's doing ok and not overworking himself.

Today I'm meeting with Hwayoung. Or how I like to call her, Eunice.

She's been very kind and even asked for an apology on behalf of Jimin.

Of course I accepted and now we're good friends. I'm glad she understands how I feel about this. She's been dating Jimin for a while so maybe she has some answers to my questions.

Although, Lena has no clue. I wish I could tell her- but Jimin's relationship isn't my business. So its only fair I keep quiet for their sake.

Just as I finished getting ready, the bell rang. I smiled and answered the door.

I gasped, "What is he doing here?!"

Eunice bought along her boyfriend.

Park Jimin -_-

Eunice: You two need to talk. Now I'll be in the restroom because I desperately need to use it. Please don't kill each other.

"Uhm- the bathrooms the left." I mumbled.

She smiles and walks in without a second to spare.

Jimin remains staring at me with a glare I hate.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"A girl I have to tolerate."

I scoffed, "Just get in here."

He walks inside with his hands in his pockets.

"So what brings you here?" I asked.

"My girl doesn't want us fighting, so for her sake, I'm apologizing. Ok? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have came at you the way I did." He said.

My heart started to beat fast.

"Now can we just put it behind us and move on? I have other things to worry about." He said.

He didn't sound sincere but I'll accept it anyways. I nodded and sat at my couch, Jimin sat down afterwards across from me.

Eunice came back happily.

Eunice: Did you guys makeup?

Jimin: Mhm. -_-

I nod.

Eunice: Good. *sits next to Jimin* so how've you been, Mai?

Jimin rolled his eyes and looked another direction.

"I've been ok. Uhm- how've you been?"

Eunice: Great. Layla's pregnant.

"Whose Layla?"

Eunice: My horse...remember?

Jimin: As if she'd remember..

Eunice: *hits Jimin*

Jimin: *hisses*

"Yes of course. I remember. Aw that's so cute. I'm happy for her." I said.

Eunice: Yeah. When will you and Hoseok visit again?

"I don't know-"

Jimin: Why would he visit again?

Eunice: Maybe because he had a good time? Along with Mai, right Mai? You guys had fun?

"Oh yes! Too much fun." I smiled.

Eunice: See? I hope you two visit again.

Jimin: They aren't going to visit!

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