Triple Date.. with a 4th wheeler?

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Hoseok walked me home holding my hand, "Ahh~ that burger totally hit the spot." I said and burped, "Oh.. sorry."

He burped too, "That's ok!"

I giggled, "Babo.."

He swayed our hands back and forth, "Hey.. I've been thinking.."

We looked at each other.

"I always wanted to go to a carnival with a really pretty girl." He said.

I smiled.

"But.." he looked away, "I don't know what pretty girl to take. There's just soo many to choose from."

"Is there now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, totally." He looked at me, "Unless you know one?"

"Hmm.." I thought for a moment, "Perhaps I know just the girl."

His eyes lit up, "Oh Jinjja? Aigoo.. you have to hook me up. I'm desperate!"

I giggled, "Then I shall grant you your wish asap!"

We laughed as he kissed my cheek.

"So will you go to the carnival with me this weekend?" He asked.

I nod, "Of course, any day I get to spend with you is a day I'll never reject."

He smiles, "Great. Same here."

We kissed.

Eunice: Heading out to a carnival? I wanna come!

I broke the kiss and looked over.

Jimin and Eunice.

Hoseok: Where'd you guys come from?

Jimin: We were just walking by and saw this obnoxious couple making out.

I giggled, "Shut up. What are you two doing out here?"

Eunice: Jimin was hungry so we went to eat.

Hoseok: That's funny, we just ate somewhere as well.

Eunice: Aw! We could've double dated.

Jimin: Hey that sounds like fun.

"We can if you come to the carnival." I offered.

Hoseok: That's if.

Jimin: What? You don't want us to go?

I looked at Hoseok.

Hoseok: Well.. I kind of wanted it just to be her and me.

Eunice: Oh..

They looked sad.

I sighed, "But it'd be better if you guys tag along."

Jimin: Really? Oh you hear that babe! We're going to the carnival!

Eunice: Yes!

They held hands as they jumped around in circles like toddlers.

I giggled.

"Why'd you do that?" Hoseok whined.

"Relax, it's just Jimin and Eunice."

He sighed, "Fine."

Eunice: Where you two headed now?

Hoseok: I'm taking her home then I'll probably head back to the dorm. Jimin?

Jimin: I'm still gonna spend time with Hwayoung and then I'll go to the dorm.

Hoseok: Liar. You never head back after practice, you just head straight to her place. Manager hyung is starting to get annoyed.

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