Just Right

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"I'm dating Jung Hoseok."

At first he had no reaction, in fact he had a blank expression. Then he thought for a moment and giggled.

"I'm sorry...but did you just say Jung Hoseok?" He asked.

I nod, "The one from the group BTS."

He seemed confused a bit, "Wait a minute...you?"

I nod again, "Yep. Me. Mai Diamond."

"That's your last name?" He asked.

I chuckled, "Didn't you hear me? I said I'm dating Hoseok! J-Hope in other words."

His jaw nearly dropped but then shook his head no, "I don't believe you." He said.

"It's true, I am."

He chuckled sarcastically, "My wifes niece is a major fan, so I know exactly who you're talking about. But I don't believe you, you can't be dating him. He's a famous popstar, you're just a.... a.....a normal human being!"

"With a bunch of luck." I added, "I know him much more better than anyone."

"That's untrue. Stop lying to me." He said.

"I'm not lying, look." I took out my phone with a picture of us. He was kissing my cheek while I was smiling at the camera.

Detective Seung couldn't believe it, his face was gone. He didn't move.

Then he looked at me, "How?"

"Luckiest girl ever, I guess?"

He huffed, "My niece would go crazy if she knew."

"Please don't say anything! This stays between us. Please. No one can know."

He smiled, "You have my word, I won't tell." He nodded reasurring me it was ok.

I smiled, "Thanks."

"Does he treat you right? Is he good to you? How is he? What's he like?"

I chuckled, "He's the best. That's all I really could say."

He's everything to me.

He nods, "Ok well, consider me your personal body guard. K?"

I nod, "I already do."

He chuckles, "Ok well, I'll see you soon. I'm going now."

I escorted him to the exit and he leaves.

-text message-


'From Eunice<3: I'm coming over with some bomb ass gimbap my grandma made~'

I chuckled and texted back then figured I should settle other things before she gets here.

Such as, explain why my wrist is dislocated.

Yeah...she's going to freak out.


"Can I just..like.hmm I don't know. Strangle you?!" She exclaimed, "What on earth were you THINKING! Look at the effect, ugh Mai you weren't careful!"

I sighed, "I know, I'm stupid."

"Aww unnie..your wrist. How will you dance?" She asked, "You're still attending the ball party, aren't you?"

I looked at her, "It's a ball party?"

She nods, "Jimin told me."

"Oh..well how will I look? All beautiful and everything besides my wrist?" I asked.

Lucky Fan Girl (BTS J-HOPE FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now