Who Is This?

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She got the letter.


This is only the beginning, she has no idea what she's in for.


-Mai POV-

Yesterday, I cried, ALL DAY.

Today is gonna be the same..

That letter fucked me up.

I didn't even want to eat.

Or answer my phone.

Or go to work today.

I called in sick and layed in bed all day

Who could it be?

Who caught me?

Why be so mysterious?

I can't even begin to wonder who it may be because I honestly have no friggen idea.

Joshua is one suspect, but he's locked away, and every letter that gets sent from that institution, is always stamped by their stamp.

So it can't be him.

Armys could be another option, but I know some wouldn't keep their mouths shut and go on rampage all over the media. Some wouldn't spare me, they would expose me in a heartbeat. Especially since I'm not Korean.

As of now, I haven't seen anything like that on Twitter or Fancafe.

So who is it? Who's haunting me?


This nightmare is back...I should've known..I wish I was more careful.

My phone rang.


I silenced it and buried my face into my pillow.

I'm so not okay.

"Mai." Lena said while she walked in with a tray of soup.

She set the tray beside my bed, "You need to eat." She said.

"Go away." I muttered into my pillow.

"Mai, don't make me force feed you."

"Do it. I dare you."

She sighed, "Mai don't hurt yourself over one stupid letter."

I lifted up and glared at her, "Stupid letter?" I retaliated, "That letter could've came from anyone, dangerous or not my life is at risk and you're calling it stupid?"

"Yeah!" She said, "If they wanted to threaten you, why couldn't they have done it to your face? Or better yet, over the damn phone."

-phone rings-

Holy shit.

Lena and I looked at my phone that said 'Unknown Number'

We looked into each others eyes, worried, but just as I was about to grab it, she grabbed it and answered.

"Hello?" She said, "No this isn't Mai. What do you care? Who is this? Hello?" She looked at the phone, "That's rude, they hung up on me." She said.

"Who was it?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I don't know."


I hit her.


"What if it was my stalker!" I exclaimed.


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