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The boys couldn't stay long, in fact they didn't tell their management they were attending a funeral. Detective Seung lied and said he'd "take em out" but not mention where. Which allowed them to come. But that's a one time thing, I doubt they'll ever do that again.

Although, I'm a little overwhelmed with what detective Seung informed me about. 1 million dollars? Over one necklace I hardly ever wore? Like wow.

I can buy a new home with that money, then I won't feel like a burden anymore, Lena can live with me too. She won't have to go back to the states, I'll just convince her to enroll at a university here. I'll pay?

I can start on a fresh plate and hope to get my life back! Moreover, I won't have to worry about finding another job right away too

It's like my luck is spiraling again.


I can't worry about that now though, something horrifying just happened.

Eunice is ok now, she isn't crying but I'm sure she still feels the pain, I'm making her and her dad some beef stew. Maybe it'll help, after all it's the least I can do..since everything that has happened.

I poured some stew in a small bowl and grabbed some chopsticks, then placed everything on a tray and headed to her room.

Before I knocked, I heard sobbing, I stood still and listened closely.

Eunice was indeed sobbing, maybe she's taking this really hard, I mean who wouldn't but..something's telling me to barge in.

I have a bad feeling.

"Why me?" She cried.

I slowly peeped through the opening and looked in.

I gasped and dropped everything, making a huge crashing sound. "EUNICE STOP!" I screamed and barged in.

She had a knife at her neck ready to end her life, I struggled to get it out of her possession.

"NO!" She screeched, "LET ME DO IT!"

"EUNICE PLEASE!" I yelled and yanked the knife from her.

She cried and burried her face into a pillow.

Tears welled up at the corners of my eyes.

Her father soon ran inside, he didn't care what happened, he went to her and consoled.

General: Hwayoung..

She cried and cried.

General: Hwayoung..honey please..

I cried silently as I held the knife in my hands, she was ready to end her life. Did she even think twice about it?

Her dad gestured I should leave and I did so, I couldn't bare to watch another second.

Quickly as possible, I picked up the broken bowl and cleaned up the mess I had caused then left to give her some privacy.

It amazes me how it only took one person to do all of this. She's like a one man army, so indestructible.

It sickens me..


I need to hold up, things will get better, for Eunice and I.

With that in mind, I grabbed a few blankets and a pillow and snuggled into the couch. Guess I'll just sleep here tonight and pray tomorrow's a better day..



A smell of eggs woke me up, I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

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