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No one stopped me from running, everything felt like it was spinning and I wasn't sure what to do. I heard detective Seung call for me but I refused to turn around.

I hid inside the dressing room and locked myself in there, I cried.

How did she get in?! There's no beating her!

It's like everything I do she comes and ruins everything. I'm going to kill her if I get the chance.

The doorknob rattled.


I covered my mouth and hid under a table that had some cloth over it.

My life is on the line, I don't know if someone will come rescue me.

I ruined this entire showcase, for sure I'm going to be hated and for sure BTS' manager won't be too pleased.

She started to kick down the door, I cried silently and couldn't believe what I was going through.

It's all happening again, except this time I might actually die. This isn't a dream, this is my terrorizing reality.

The door was knocked down and she jumped in sniffing things like a dog.

I backed away and remained as quiet as possible.

"I know you're in here Mai, I can smell the fear trembling within your body." She purred.

I closed my eyes and let the tears fall.

"You looked gorgeous tonight, but he is only going to hurt you in the end."

No he's not, Hoseok loves me.

"I can guess where you are, I'm assuming you're either, under that table, in the closet or behind the back door."

My heart beated against my chest, hard.

"Hmmm. Innie minnie miny, MO!" She jumped on the table.

I screamed and crawled out.

"There you are~"

Before I got up to make a break for it, she tackled me to the ground and bit my arm

I cried, "ARGH!"

She turned me over, blood dripping from her mouth, "You taste SOOO good. But I want Hoseok to see you die, and then I'll kill him. After that I'll bathe in a blood bath~" she giggled.

I noticed a pair of pointy scissors on the ground and grabbed them, I striked her eye.

She let out a painful cry like a cat.

I threw her off me and ran for the door, but Shin-Mae was too quick, she grabbed my ankle and tripped me, my face fell first, I grunted.

She dragged me back toward her.

"LET ME GO!" I cried as my nails scratched the carpet.

"I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU~" she hissed.

I turned over and kicked her in the face, she yelped and fell backwards. I quickly got up and ran out of there, my arm was dripping with blood from the bite mark she left me.

When I turned the corner I rammed into Hoseok.

His eyes widen, "WHAT THE FUCK!"

I held on to him, staining his entire outfit with blood, "We have to get out of here!" I screamed.

He pulled away, "Where is she?!"

Detective Seung and some back up came running towards us.

DS: Mai are you ok?!

Lucky Fan Girl (BTS J-HOPE FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now