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Hoseok and I ran back to the carnival and looked for Jungkook, Lena, Jimin and Eunice. But there was no sign of them.

My paranoia began to kick in.

"Hoseok.. what if-"

Shin-Mae was in a dark corner watching me, she smiled and waved.

"Oh my god.. we gotta find them and leave this place!" I said in a fear.

"We will, just calm down ok? Don't make a scene."

Shin-Mae disappeared.

"Hoseok I'm really scared!"

"I know Mai! I am too! If we want to make it home safe tonight, then we gotta remain calm." He told me.

I gulped and nodded, "Ok.."

"Good. I'll look this way, you look that way-"

"No!" I exclaimed, "We're never supposed to split up!" I told him.

"Look I've called Jimin and Jungkook and none of them are answering. Have you called the girls?" He asked.

"I texted them but..that was like 10 minutes ago."

"Exactly, they're probably on rides or something, please just look around, see if you spot them then call me. Ok? I promise everything will be ok." He said.

How can he promise something completely impossible?

Before he walked away I grabbed his hand, "Why don't we call detective Seung?" I asked.

"Already did. He's on his way."

At least if anything goes wrong detective Seung will be here.. hopefully.

I sighed, "Ok... I'll go check the rollercoasters, you go check the small rides."

"Why do I get the small rides?" He asked.

"Ugh. Fine we'll switch."

"Nah nah. Big rides scare me, I'm good." He ran off.

Then what the hell! Ugh.

I shaked my head and began to walk through the carnival, everyone was smiling and laughing, enjoying their time. But only I wasn't, only because I know she's watching me.

"Ugh Lena.." I groaned, "Where are you?"

I took out my phone and dialed her.

And straight to voicemail.

I dialed Eunice next

Again I'm sent to voicemail.

They're probably having too much fun to focus on their phones. But we need to go. We're in danger.

I walked over to the next rollercoaster and searched the line thoroughly. No sign of anyone.

This is really stressing me out, I'm beginning to regret coming out tonight.

Why must it be so hard?

I want to run away...



I turned around and saw Jungkook near a bush.

How odd does that look?

"What are you doing there?" I asked.

He smiled, "Follow me noona! Lena and I found something so cool~" he said and ran into the dark woods nearby.

"Jungkook no! We gotta go!" I ran after him.

He giggled, "You're gonna be so wowed. Just follow me!" He cheered.

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