The Lucky One

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-Mai POV-

My boyfriend's management actually ALLOWED HIM, to walk me home. Of course detective Seung is watching us, but from a far, he wanted us to have our privacy.

It's all very much appreciated, it feels like the beginning, unreal.

"Babe are we really here?" I asked and looked at him, "Are you really walking me home and is your management really ok with us dating? Like???"

He giggled and kissed my cheek, "It's real baby, all real. I can't believe it myself."

I looked down and smiled more, "Wow.."

He put his arm around me and held me close to him, I smiled at him and literally enjoyed this moment.

Until of course, I remembered something that sent chills throughout my body.

"Uh..Hoseok?" I said and stopped walking.

He released me and his eyes met mine, "Yeah?"

"I think your management should check on Eunhye. The ceo?"

"Wae?" He asked in confusion, "Is it because of that question she asked?"

"'s just.."


I stared deeply into her eyes until I noticed the shape of her pupils.

My eyes widen slightly and I felt cold.

The woman cleared her throat and got up and left the room with no answer.


HB: Uhhh....I'm not sure what just happened?

I think I know.. but I think its best I keep my mouth shut until I get somewhere safe..

My mind is just going insane right now, I cannot believe I just realized the scariest thing ever.

DS: Mai? Are you ok?

Manager: Why did Eunhye leave so suddenly?

Because that wasn't Eunhye...

-End of Flashback-

"Babe?" Hoseok shook me.

I looked at him, "I think Shin-Mae killed her."

He took a step back, "What??"

"I know it sounds crazy but just hear me out, when I was in the conference room...I noticed something.. something very odd."

"What did you notice?" He asked.

Just then a police car pulled up and out came Jae, "Mai? Hoseok? Is everything ok? Why'd you guys stop walking?"

I sighed, "It's fine.. I just-"

Hoseok: Mai claims she saw something weird in the conference room.

Detective Seung stood next to us, "What'd you see?" He asked me.

I took a deep breath, "Shin-Mae. I saw Shin-Mae."

Hoseok: !!

DS: No, that's impossible. I was in there with you?

"Seung Jae... I think we're dealing with someone who's not even HUMAN!" I told him.

Hoseok: Mai..

"As crazy as it sounds... I think Shin-Mae can merge into anything. Either clone herself as someone else or an animal or.. maybe anything. I think it's creepy, maybe she's like.. a demon or something."

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