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-Mai POV-

Detective Seung immediately ripped me apart from Hoseok's tight grip. He already had my bags, it's like they were waiting for us to get back.

Which only means, time has passed already and a few thousand know the truth, but soon it'll be millions.

Hoseok: WAIT! MAI!

"HOSEOK!" I shouted.

He looked worried and afraid, for me.

His manager and his security had to sedate him and get him somewhere safe. Chaos was right before him.

The screaming and roaring from reporters and fans was devastating.

How did word get out?

Nothing rushed through my head besides the fact that our relationship is no longer a secret. It will no longer be something special, because eveyone will know and it will never be the same again. Ever.

One sacred thing that belonged only to him and me, is now taken from us. In seconds.

We'll never get it back.

It's everyone's business now..

Hoseok tried to run to me, but we were separated faster than we could blink.

Am I really going to be separated from the love of my life? Despite that he's famous, I don't care, I was never with him for that reason anyways. I truly love him, we have this strong connection.

How can all of this be happening after we just celebrated our 8th month anniversary.


Hoseok: GET OFF ME! MAI!

I breathed heavily as I tried to break free from Seung Jae's grip, "HOBI!"


He viciously threw me in the back seat of his car and closed it. I couldn't help but cry as I covered my face, the reporters surrounded the car immediately and started taking pictures.

I felt like I was being blinded.

And worse, bullied.

All of this exposure is developing quite rapidly that I still can't wrap my mind around it.

I've been exposed..

Everyone will know my name..

My address..

My phone number if possible..

My background story most likely..

But most of all..

My relationship with Jung Hoseok.

From BTS.

Detective Seung soon drove off from the scene, I noticed fans running after the car and throwing things.

They don't even know me and I'm already being treated this way?.

I cried and covered my face.

"You ok?" Seung Jae asked.

I didn't bother to answer and cried.

"I'm sorry...but you need to lay low for a while." He told me.


"Mai. Did you hear me?"

I looked up at him and sniffled, "I don't want to be separated from him forever.." my voice cracked, "Seung Jae.. I love him...I don't care if he's a famous kpop star, I love him."

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