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THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1.04k+ on My Bestfriend's Brother (Book One) You guys have no idea how much it means to me THANK YOU SO MUCH. So here's a treat for you guys I'm writing two chapters.

Anyways please VOTE cause on the first book I had 1.04k but only 61 votes. :( So PLEASE VOTE AND COMMMET. Are you guys liking the story so far or not please tell me.

All the love- Nana

As Isaiah drove us to his house, one hand resting on my thigh I couldn't help but stare at him. I kept on hurting him but he kept coming back. And I kept letting him. Was I a bad person? A homewrecking hoe?

I didn't know but I like to think I wasn't. Maybe I was just plain dumb for not seeing how much Isaiah really cared about me. He said he loves me and I dont for a second think he's lying.

And I loved him too. But it wasn't the love that I had felt for him when we had begun dating. It wasn't as strong as what I had felt for Raphael or James. It wasn't as strong as what I felt for Niko. These thoughts kept racing through my mind as we pulled into his driveway. It was empty like always. His parents were rarely home.

He stopped the car but he didn't turn off the engine just stared out the window. His thumb was rubbing up and down on my thigh making my heat skin. I hope he didn't notice.

"I'm sorry",I hear myself say. His thumb stops but after a few seconds he takes a deep breath and pulls his hand away. Something in my chest stings but I ignore it.
"I love you Kaitlyn", he says still looking out the window. Before I can say anything he continues.

"And I know you love me and all that but it's not the same and we both know it. I just want you to know that I'm here and I always will and I want us to try I want us to be together again I want that so bad.", he says and then slowly his eyes fix on my face.

His thumb moves to my face and he brushes away a tear on my cheek. I give him a nervous smile as his fingertip traces down my cheek.
"It's so hard", he says moving his hand away from my face. I frown and he sighs.

"Not being able to touch or kiss you", he murmurs. I look down at my hands hating the always silence that I know will come. We stay quiet for a few minutes the only noise coming from the engine of the car. I start to fidget with my seatbelt and finally just click it off.

I look up and Isaiah is staring at me smiling. I glare at him and laughs but it doesn't last long because he goes all quiet and serious.
"Give me one last chance", he says his brown eyes boring into my green ones.

I stay silent for a moment, staring down at my lap.
"I don't know if that's a good idea",I whisper. I don't want to hurt his feelings again.
"You won't I promise, just give me one last chance", he says taking my hands into his. I look up and seeing the hope in his eyes makes my heart ache.

"Fine",I say with a small smile. His face lights up and he squeezes my hand in his. He lets go of my hand and leans over me his face coming inches from mine. My face heats at his proximity and I hold my breath. He pulls the seatbelt over me and clicks it in. He pulls back and with one last smile he pulls out of the driveway.


"Kaitlyn..wake up baby we're here",Isaiah says nudging my shoulder. My eyes flutter open and I look around wildly until my gaze settles on Isaiah. He smiles at me and I notice that his hand is resting on my thigh.

I move my gaze away from his hand and look out the window. I let my eyes take in the forest around me. Cause that's where we are a forest. We're in some sort of parking spot but everywhere I look there are trees.

There are actually no cars parked here except puts and makes everything seem peaceful. From the corner of my eye I see Isaiah watching me. I turn to look at him and he smiles warmly. He opens his door and steps out shutting the door with a this, disturbing the silence.

I watch as he comes around and opens my door extending his hand. I take his hand and he helps me out shutting the door. He leads me toward a trail that dissapears into the trees. I hesitate for a moment and Isaiah turns to me.

"It's ok Kat, I'm not going to do anything to you.",he says with a laugh. I smile at him and he keeps walking pulling me along behind him. I vaguely remember Raphael saying the same thing when we went to see that tree. But I try to ignore that thought and instead focus on where we're going.

We walked into the woods the trees above us barely letting in any sunlight. I pressed closer to Isaiah and he stops and pulls me in front of him, his arm wrapping around my waist.

We walked for a few minutes. Everytime we stepped on a branch or something I would tense. Isaiah would whisper in my ear that it was ok and then we would keep walking. After a while I noticed that up ahead there was a clearing.

When we finally reached it Isaiah's hand squeezed me hip and I gasp. The sight before us was like straight out of a fairytale. There was a huge lake in front of us. There was some a nice little field between us and the lake with little flowers sprouting.

Isaiah led us towards the center of the field only a few feet from the lake and we say down. His arm was still around my waist but I didn't mind. I was too mesmerized with the lake. After what felt like hours I finally spoke.

"It's amazing",I say. Isaiah laughs and pulls me closer.
"I knew you would like it...cause you know It's almost like our first date.", he says. I turn to him and I see the faint blush on his cheeks.

"It's absolutely perfect",I whisper placing a kiss on his cheek. When I pull away he smiles.
"You're absolutely perfect", he says and I laugh at his cheesiness.
"You're too cute",I say and pole his cheek.

His mouth pressed agaisnt mine before I know what's happening. Before I know it I'm on my back and Isaiah is hovering over me his tongue inside my mouth. I really don't want to do this because I know I will just end up hurting him. I guess he senses this because he stops kissing me and pulls back a little bit.

"Please Kaitlyn I want this just one time",he says and starts trailing kisses down my neck. I shivered and I feel him smile agaisnt my neck. His tongue darts out and runs along my collarbone and I let moan.

"I..d-dont want you to get hurt",I say panting. I press my thighs together hating how he was making me feel.
"I won't get hurt if you do this for me.",he says as his hand hooks under my knee bringing my leg around his waist. His erection presses down on to my thigh and I arch my back.

"Wh-yy do you do this to me?",I ask.
"I know you want this as much as me, please just forget everything and be with me for this one moment", he says this time staring directly into my eyes. His are dark and dilated with lust.

He brings his mouth down again his tongue slipping in and this time I allow myself to let go. To be with him even if it only was for only one time. I feel his body loosen a little bit and I'm surprised he was even tense in the first place.

"Thank you", he whispers.

I'm sorry I'm so late but I wrote the story and half of it got deleted. I'm so sorry.

Please Vote.

All the love-Nana

(other chapter will be up by tomorrow)

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