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I have a crush on my guy best friend. The irony.

What's funny is that I've know him for almost nine years and now is when i start to see him that way.

And of course he has a fucking girlfriend. Or at least I think he has because he hasnt said anything about a girlfriend before but his instagram says differently.

And I dont even know at this point because I feel like he does like me because he's constantly flirting but I don't know anymore.

And now literally all I think about is him every freaking day and night. I have like two classes with him and I always catch myself looking at him and smiling when he looks up.

Anyways you guys probably dont care but if its happened to you let me know in the comments.

All the love. X. Nana

*A few hours later*

Isaiah and I are lying in his bed talking. I had been very pissed off when he told me he hadn't used a condom but he said that he had pulled out before anything happend.

I had told him to leave and then I had taken my shower in peace. He had apologized countless times and I had finally given in and accepted his apology.

Now we were just laying in his bed. I was wearing one of his oversized shirts and some panties and he was wearing only his boxers. He had his arm wrapped around my waist his chest pressed agaisnt mine.

"I miss the old days",he whispers his thumb tracing the outline of my lips. I snuggle my face into his neck and sigh.
"So do I",I whisper. My fingers trace over his abs and he squirms.
"You were always so ticklish",I laugh and start tickling him.

He grabs my wrist easily with one of his hands and rolls on top of me his weight pressing me down onto the mattress.
"I believe you were ticklish as well",he says smirking.

I glare at him as he puts my hands over my head and his other hand pulls up the hem of his shirt revealing my pink panties and then my stomach.

He moves his head down softly biting my stomach making me squirm. He laughs and then slowly moves his head back up, pressing his lips to mine. He lets go of my hands and and I wrap them around his neck pulling him closer.

He kisses me slowly and passionately causing my insides to melt. He finally pulls away and smiles down at me, resting his forehead on mine. He rolls off me and I take in a deep breath.

"You wanna watch a movie?", he asks his fingers pulling on my hair. I push him away and stand up.
"I'm picking though",I say and laugh as his eyes roam my body.

I walk towards the living room and look for my phone. I find it in the kitchen and I grab it. I turn it on and see that I have 87 missed calls and 120 unread messages. I rolled my eyes and place the phone down on the counter.

Arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back.
"So what did you decide?", Isaiah asks turning me around. I place my hands on his chest, standing on my tippy toes and kiss him.

"I wanna watch something scary",I say. He nods and picks me up by my waist and sits me on the counter. He stands between my legs and begins kissing my neck. I close my eyes and tilt my head back giving him more access.

He bites down on my neck and I moan. His hand starts moving up my thigh making me shiver. He pulls away suddenly and my eyes flutter open. Isaiah stands a few feet away from me smirking.

"Get the movie baby..I'll be in the room",he says and walks away laughing. I close my mouth and glare at his retreating figure.
"You tease",I shout. I laugh at myself and jump down from the counter.

I picked my phone back up and click on the missed calls. Fifty-seven of them are from Angie, none from today, and the others are all from Raphael and only one of them is from today.

Actually the call is from twenty minutes ago. I frown and delete them all. I sit down on the stool and click my messages. I click on Angie's name and scroll through the 90 messages she sent.

I'm sorry..

Where are you??

Please let me know where you are?

I'm sorry for hitting you

I should have known Niko would do this.

I sigh and go back and click on Raphael's name.

I'm surprised to see that all his messages are from today but they stopped 10 minutes ago.

Look I'm sorry I still love you

Please I need you back

But the rest of texts make me nervous.

If someone calls don't answer the phone

You need to call me back

Please I need to speak with You its important.

The doorbell rings and I nearly dropped my phone. I take a deep breath and slowly turned to the door. I looked into the hallway but Isaiah's door is shut. My phone rings and I jump.

I swiped the answer button without looking at the caller ID which was a mistake.
"Hello?",I asked walking towards the door. I hear a sigh on the other line and I tense.

"I've missed you baby",years later and so much heartbreak but his voice still made my insides melt. The phone drops from my hand and I stared at it surprised.

Someone is banging on the door now making my head pound. I quickly walked over and unlocked the door pulling it opened. The pizza delivery guy almost hits me in the face.

He quickly drops his hand though when he sees me there wearing nothing but panties and an oversized shirt.

"Your total will be $17.38 ma'm", he says in an English accent. I look down at my feet confused I didnt order a pizza. On so tense from the phone call that when Isaiah places a hand on my back I jump.

"Are you alright. Baby?", he asks pulling me onto his arms. I nod and pull away as the delivery man coughs. Isaiah nods and pays the delivery man. As he steps aways I catch a glimpse of something red on the other side of the street. I stumble forward and grab into the door handle.

It can't be.
It can't be.
He doesn't even know I was here.
But there he is.

Wearing a red t-shirt and black skinny jeans. But just not any red shirt. Its the shirt we bought as a couple. His shirt says Her and my shirt says Him. I had never worn that shirt ever again.

He's staring directly at me his phone pressed to his ear and that's when I remember the phone I dropped. I quickly pick it up and place it to my ear.

"I'm sorry baby",he says and I watch as he places his phone back in his pocket ending the call. By this time Isaiah has caught on to who I was staring at.

After the delivery guy finally leaves he closes the door behind him leaning back on it.
"Its him isn't it", he asks but it's more of a statement.

"Its James", he says and I nod.

Not to happy with This But whatever. Not edited for errors so sorry.


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