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*2 weeks later*

"Okay Nikolai you're free to go. Try not to do anything requiring too much effort and if at any moment you feel dizzy and or have a major headache come back. I'll prescribe some pills for the pain, they'll be sent to the pharmacy later today. You two take care now.",Dr. Jim says taking the signed papers from Niko.

"You too Doctor. Thanks for everything.",Niko says shaking his hand.

"No problem.",he says before leaving.

"Well let's go home.",I say grabbing Niko's backpack off the chair. He had some clothes from home and a couple other random things I had brought him.

"Here I'll take that.",he says reaching out for the bag.

"Nope I got it. Now come on.",I say grabbing his hand.

He smiles down at our join hands.

I roll my eyes and lead him out of the room. We pass by Angie's station on our way out.

"I'll see you guys at home. Kaitlyn take care of him.",Angie says.

"I will.",I say giving her a quick hug. We continue walking towards the exit.

"Aww thanks Mom.",Niko says nudging my shoulder.

"That's such a turn off.",I say. He laughs but stops and clutches his stomach.

"Oh my god are you okay.",I say worried.

"I'm fine. Just stop making me laugh.",he says.

"Okay.",I say still worried.

"It's fine really. Let's go.",he says grabbing my hand.

We walk out of thr hospital and get in Angie's car. Brad was going to pick her up so she said we could take her car.

We drive home in silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

We arrive soon after and head up the elevator.

"Welcome home.",I say opening the door for Niko.

He rolls his eyes and walks in.

"I'll make us something to eat. Go lay down.",I say placing the backpack on the chair.

"Ok babe.",he says heading towards his room.

It's unnerving how a simple word makes me feel so many emotions.

I shake my head and go to the kitchen. I make us some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

As I wait for the bread to toast I think back on the last two weeks.

The moment I had told Niko that James and I weren't together anymore he's been trying to get back together.

But the thing is Niko and I were never really together to begin with.

The minute I realized what he was doing I confessed what I felt for him.

He thought right then and there we would be together but I said no.

I explained to him how I felt about everything.

I told him how it hasn't even been a year and I've been with 4 guys.

I just kept rushing into these relationships with no regard to the mess I was making.

I hate to admit it to myself but I just kept jumping from guy to guy.

I didn't want to rush into anything anymore.

For the past two weeks Niko and I have been getting to know each other better.

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now