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I'm sorry guys! :(

I know I haven't updated but it's cause I've been so busy with school.

They give you so much Homework. :(

Algebra is a Bitch.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. I actually wrote a different one but I didn't like it so I made a new one.

Vote and Comment!!!

All the love. Nana x

Isaiah's body tenses up and he slowly pulls away from me. I dropped my legs from around his waist and looked around him.

Isaiah's dad is standing in the doorway looking somewhat surprised, his eyebrow raised. Angie is standing behind him her mouth hanging open and her cheeks tear-stained. I struggle to look at Raphael but when I do I regret it.

He looks like he's about to murder someone. But I dont know if its me or Isaiah. His hands are balled into fists at his side and his chest is heaving up and down.

I guess he senses me watching because his gaze snaps from Isaiah to me. His eyes turn cold and accusing.
"How could you?", he says his voice full of anger.

I open my mouth and then close it again. I have nothing to say to justify my actions. The funny thing is I dont feel very regretful. I don't know what it is but as I stare at Raphael something is off.

And that's when I see it.
On his neck.
There's a fucking hickey.
On his neck.
And I didnt give it to him.

"Are you seriously going to fucking stand there and say that to her?",Isaiah shouts. I'm too shock to turn to him. Because I know that he sees it too.

Raphael glares at Isaiah and takes a step forward.
"What are you even doing with my girl dont you have your own?", he sneers.
Isaiah gives a bitter laugh and steps in front of me.

"I'm sure you know that's not the case anymore", he says. Raphael's eyes narrow. And something clicks into place in my mind but I ignore it cause that can't be the case.

"We came here to take Kaitlyn home", Angie says. Her eyes roam over my face checking to see if I'm ok. I guess she forgave me. She gives me a small smile and walks over and pushes past Isaiah wrapping her arms around me.

Automatically I wrap my arms around her and bury my face in her chest. No matter how much we fought, I loved Angie. She's like my second mother and I could never hate her.

"Come on Kat it's time to go home",she says rubbing her hand up and down my back. I pull back a little and the first thing I see is Isaiah's worried eyes. Angie tilts her head to the side blocking my view and I turn to her.

"Come on Kat I know you miss your bed.",she says. I look down at my shoes and think. Yeah I do miss my bed. And yeah I will go home but I don't think now is the right time. Yeah I don't hate Angie but it still hurts.

It hurts that she didnt listen to me. That she just assumed I was a slut. And I guess maybe I am but I don't like to think I am. I shake my head and look up.

"I dont think I least not yet.",I say. Angie blinks a couple of times and frowns. She turns her head to look at Isaiah and then quickly looks back at me.

She gives me a tight smile and nods. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out my phone. But the screen is damaged anymore.
"I got it fix for you",she says and smiles. I take the phone from her and give her a big hug.
"Thanks",I whsiper in her ear.

"I'm sorry ok..I trust your decisions", she whsipers back and then pulls away. She turns to Isaiah's father and asks him if its ok if I stay here.
"Yeah but I can't promise you anything cause my wife and I never spend more than a couple of hours in the house....speaking up I really need to get going.", he says and starts grabbing his things.

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now