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James shows up at around 2 am. I'm sitting in the bed with a blanket around me when he comes in.

He looks at me and walks to the balcony. I get up and follow him out.

He leans against the railing and stares out at the water. I hesitantly place my hand on his back.

He tenses but doesn't push away.
He finally turns around to face me.

The look of sadness on his face makes my heart break.

I reach out and place my hand on his cheek. He leans into the touch and sighs.

"I should have known. The way he looked at you. The little comments, the fact he was always around. I was so blind.",he says pulling my hand away from his face.

"But you knew too. And you never told me. Why Kaitlyn?",he asks looking betrayed.

I take a seat and James sits beside me.

"When Niko first came I was instantly drawn to him. He was a fresh face, a new beginning. And I let myself fall. But he was a womanizer. But that didn't stop me. I finally caved and slept with him and the next morning he left to California. I was so hurt and confused. But then you came back," I look at him and he gives me the smallest of smiles.

"And you made me so happy. You still do everyday. And then he came back with Anne and the baby. But I still had you. I want you James. I really do.",I say cupping his face.

"I want you too Kat. But you have to stay away from him. Promise me Kat. Choose me.",he pleads.

Tears pool in my eyes and I nod.

"I promise. I choose you James.",I say smiling. He smiles and pulls me so I'm sitting on his lap facing him.

He kisses me slowly and passionately. His teeth sink into my bottom, tugging it down.

I straddle him and tug on his hair.

I throw my head back giving James access to my neck. He bites and sucks all over my neck making me gasp each time.

He stands, picking me up and taking us back into the room.

He lays me down and pulls his shirt over his head. I reach down and do the same. We shed the rest of our clothes quickly.

And then James makes love to me so passionately that it leaves me seeing stars. I cuddle into him afterwards.

"I love you Kaitlyn.",James says pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"I love you James. Always.",I whisper and we drift off to sleep.

The next morning we get up at around 8 and pack our things. James wants to get out fast so we don't have to see Niko.

He doesn't want to punch him again. We're packed and ready to leave twenty minutes later. James grabs the bags and heads down to the car.

I double check everything and as I'm walking out I bump into Niko.

Of course.

"Kat-",he starts but I push past him.

"I don't want your apologies or your excuses Niko.",I say walking down the stairs.

"I wasn't going to apologize.",he says and this makes me stop and turn to him.

"Excuse me?",I say a bit shocked.

"I don't regret kissing you and everyone seeing it. It was bound to happen but unfortunately you're still with him.",he says.

I slap Niko across the face. He stumbles back a bit, holding his cheek.

"I probably deserved that.",he says. I roll my eyes and continue walking down thw stairs.

"Kaitlyn please don't. Stay. Be with me.",he pleads. I place my hand on the door handle and look up at him.

"You should talk to Anne.",I say and walk outside letting the door shut behind me. I reach James' car and slide in, just as he's closes the trunk.

He gets in and starts up the car.

As we start driving away, I take one last glance at the house and see Niko standing in the doorway.

Staring directly at me.

He disappears from view when we turn and I lean my head against the headrest.

That was probably the last time I would see him.

I fall asleep during the ride and sometime later James is shaking my shoulder.

"Baby we're here.",he says. I look up and see we're at my building.

"Give me 15 minutes.",I say. James nods and I get out of the car.

I go to the elevator quickly and arrive at my floor.

I unlock the door and walk in.

"Oh hey Kaitlyn. How was your weekend?",Brad asks from the couch.

He's holding a sleeping Zachary in his arms.

"It was shit.",I say and walk to my room. I grab a duffel bag and start throwing some clothes in.

James had asked me to move in with him so I wouldn't be near Niko and I agreed.

As I'm packing Brad steps into the room still holding Zachary.

"Where you going?",he asks softly.

"Back to James' place. It was a mistake going on that trip.",I mutter.

"Did something happen with Niko?",he asks. I look up.

"James and Anne caught us kissing."I say. I zip up my duffel bag and glance around the room one last time in case I missed anything essential.

"But James forgave you? So why are you leaving?",he asks.

I try to walk past him but he stops me.

"James doesn't want me around Niko amd neither do I.",I say glancing down at Zachary's face.

"And Anne is okay with all of this?",he asks.

"She's pregnant.",I say. Brad looks at a loss for words so I quickly move past him and sleepwalk to the door.

He calls after me but I ignore him and get in the elevator.

I throw my bag in the backseat and slide into the passenger seat.

"Ready.",I say looking at James.

He nods and places his hand on my thigh giving me a reassuring squeeze.

Not edited.

Boring I know but its just a filler chapter.

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