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Can't wait til spring break.

Not edited for errors.

"Can you stop pacing you're starting to freak me out.",Niko says. I turn and glare at him.

"You should be freaked out. I could be fucking pregnant and this could be your kid.",I say trying to keep myself from hitting him.

"I'm prepared to take full responsibility you should no that.",he says.

"Thats not the point dumbass. You have a kid. I'm only 18 years old. I have a boyfriend who I love tremendously and I am not about to throw that all away.",I say and now I'm standing right in his face.

"Okay. Okay I'm sorry. It's just that to me it wouldn't be the worst thing. I mean this could be our chance. I love you and having a baby with you would be amazing.",he says standing up.

I look at him and my anger falters.

This was the guy I cried over. The guy I fell in love with. The guy I risked everything for just to have to have him break my heart into a million pieces.

His hand cups my cheek and he slowly starts leaning.

The alarm goes off and I jump pack. Niko drops his hand and sighs.

I walk quickly to the bathroom and look at the pregnanct test.

Right after I had told Niko that I thought I was pregnant we drove to the nearest store. We picked up two pregnancy tests and drove over to James' apartment.

I had flipped the pregnancy test over so I wouldn't see the results immediately. My hand shakes as I go to lift it up.

I drop my hand and take a deep breath.

"It's going to be okay",Niko says coming up from behind me and placing his hand on my waist.

I turn to look at him.

"You promise?",I say.

He gives me a lopsided smile.

"I promise",he whispers. I nod and flip the pregnancy test over.

The words "Not Pregnant" flash on the tiny screen.

It's almost as if all emotion drains out of me and all that is left is emptiness.

"Not pregnant",I say out loud no hint of emotion in my voice. Behind me Niko lets out a breath and his hand slips from my waist.

"Yeah",he says.

I turn to him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Are you ok?",he asks wrapping his arms firmly around my waist.

"I don't know. I should feel relieved but instead I feel nothing.",I murmur into his neck.

"It's ok Kat. You don't have to feel anything. It's just good that you know.",he says rubbing my back up and down.

"I'm still mad at you.",I say even as I tighten my grip on him a bit.

He chuckles.

"I would be surprised it you weren't.",he says slightly pulling back so we're face to face.

"I know what the drug is that you used. James and I used it way back in the day to have fun. I know you meant no harm but it still is a terrible thing to do.",I say.

Niko nods and bury his head in my neck.

"I'm so sorry. I just hope that with time you can forgive me.",he says.

"With time.",I say back.

I jump back when the bedroom door slams open.

"KAITLYN IN HOME!!",James yells as he walks into the room. It doesn't take me long to realize how drunk he is.

He stumbles in and almost loses his balance. He starts cracking up and I roll my eyes.

Of course.

James looks up and realizes that Niko and I are standing in the bathroom.

"What the fuck is this?",he says angrilyand stumbles towards us.

Niko steps in front of me.

James glares at him.

"What is the meaning of this Kaitlyn?",he says.

I put my hand on Niko's shoulder and he turns to look at me.

"Just wait outside okay.",I say. He opens his mouth to say something but then nods.

He pushes past James almost knocking him off his feet. He pushes the door forward but doesn't close it completely.

"So are you going to fucking say something?",he says.

I look at his appearance and see his dishelved shirt, some of the buttons are missing and there is a red smudge on his collar.

I grab the collar of his shirt and turn it. I can clearly now see the red lipstick smudge.

"Are you fucking serious?",I say pushing past him. He grabs a hold of my arm and yanks me back.

"Tell me what's going on?",he says his grip on my arm tightening.

I grimace in pain and try to pull away but he only holds on tighter.

Suddenly I'm reminded of the old days when we used to get so drunk and so high we couldn't remember who we were. I also clearly remember how aggressive James used to be.

Even though he never physically abused me he always started fighting with his other so called "friends." He would always win of course.

"James I'm not going to talk to you when you're clearly so intoxicated.", I say trying to keep my voice calm.

"No tell me now.",he says pushing me against the wall. The smell of alcohol and weed hits me all at once.

He went back to smoking.

"Not now.",I say. He slams his hand next to my head and before I can react the door slams into the wall and Niko is suddenly there pulling James off me.

The grip he has on my arm is so strong though that he pulls me with him as he falls down.

I hit my head on the edge of the bed and everything goes black for a second. I can hear Niko yelling at James as I lay on the floor.

Niko's face comes into focus and that's all I see before I black out.

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