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"Jesus Christ Niko you can't just sneak up on people like that.",I say clutching my chest.

He chuckles and bends down to pick up the sunscreen bottle.

"What are you even doing here?",I say taking the bottle back from him.

"You were taking a really long time so I thought I should check up on you.",he says leaning against the doorway.

"Oh...well yeah I couldn't find my sunscreen ,even though I looked everywhere, so I thought Anne would have so-",I say but he steps closer to me and the words die on my tongue.

He cups my face with his hand and tilts my head to the right. His other hand grazes the hickey on my neck.

"I was stupid to think that somehow you wouldn't sleep with him.",he says dropping his hand from my face.

I rub my neck subconsciously.

"I mean what did you expect he's my boyfriend.",I say noticing how he cringes at the word "boyfriend."

He sighs and walks out of the bathroom and falls back onto the bed.

"I don't know. I thought that the moment we had on the beach and in the kitchen would somehow make you question things. I guess it didn't.",he says rubbing his face.

I hesitate as I walk over and take a seat beside him.

Should I tell him? Or would that make things worse?

The selfish part in me doesn't want him to give up. The reasonable part knows that leading him on is a mistake but then my heart doesn't know how to feel.

" did work.",I whisper. He sits up quickly looking at me.

"Oh Kat.",he says cupping my face again and bringing my face closer to his. His lips brush against mine sending a shiver down my spine.

I jump up, backing away from Niko.

"Yeah it did make me questions things but I'm still very confused and I still have a boyfriend.",I say.

Niko gives me a tight smile trying to hide his sadness.

"I understand. You need time to think. I'm sorry for trying to kiss you.",he says standing up.

I nod and we stand a bit longer staring at each other before he leaves.

I almost tell him to come back and finish what he started but that's extremely stupid and wrong.

I shake my head and walk back into the bathroom to finish applying the sunscreen.

Once I finish I head downstairs and find Niko waiting at the door.

"You didn't have to wait.",I say as we step outside.

"I know. But I wanted to.",he says smiling. I give him a small smile and we walk in silence back to where Anne and James are.

As we get closer I put a bit of distance between Niko and I. I turn to see him frowning but turn my head back just as quickly.

James waves to me from the water and I wave back. Anne looks up from sunbathing as we approach.

"Did you find the sunscreen?",she asks as Niko takes a seat beside her.

"Oh um no well yeah b-",I say.

"She didn't find hers so I told her she could use ours.",Niko says.

I frown at his lie but I guess it makes sense if he doesn't want to make Anne jealous.

"Well that's fine. I'm go into the water. Come along Niko.",Anne says standing up.

Niko sighs but gets up and follows Anne into the water. I lay down on the towel to start sunbathing.

A bit later I flip around so I'm face down. I close my eyes and enjoy the slight seabreeze.

Sometime later a hand starts trailing up my back.

"James stop.",I say eyes still closed. I feel him untie the knor holding my swimsuit together.

"James come on.",I groan rolling a bit onto my side. The minute I open my eyes the bikini top is ripped from my chest and I scream covering myself.

I push away from an older man who I know realize was not James at all. He gives me a smile and reaches his hand out to touch me.

I scream and kick his hand away. I try to scramble away but notice his other hand is gripping my ankle.

"Gotcha now.",he says. I try to pull away but he only tightens his grip.

Suddenly the man is flying sideways as Niko barrels into him. Niko gets on top and starts punching the shit out of the man.

I stand up grabbing the towel to cover my chest since the man is still holding my top. I turn to the water to see James and Anne far away.

I wave my hand frantically but they're not looking in my direction.

I turn back to Niko to see him still beating the shit out of the man.

"Niko.",I shout but it falls on death ears. Somehow the man pushes Niko off and scrambles away. Niko makes to go after him but I quickly grab his arm.

He turns around and the look in his eyes makes me step back.

His gaze softens and he pulls me into his arms. I cry silently against his chest and he tilts my head up.

"Are you alright baby? Did he hurt you?",he says pressing kisses all over my face.

"No he didn't hurt me.",I choke out shaking.

Niko pulls me even closer to him as I continue to cry. My tears mix in with the ocean water on his chest.

"Let's take you back to the house.",he says pulling me along gently.

"B-but James and Anne.",I turn back to the water and see them even further away.

Niko notices too.

"They're too far. We'll explain later.",he says.

I look around the floor for my top but its nowhere to be found.

"He took it, love.",Niko says angrily and looks off to where the man had scampered off.

I nod and pull the towel tighter around me. Niko starts walking over to where our stuff is and I grab his arm quickly.

"It's okay baby I'm just gonna get my tanktop so you can wear it.",he says. I nod releasing his arm.

He bends down and picks up a white tanktop. He holds out the towel to cover my as I slip on the tanktop.

He pulls me close to his side as we walk back to the house. He takes me up to my room and waits until I'm in bed before he gets up to leave.

"Wait Niko don't leave me.",I say. Niko looks at me and the intensity of his stare is too much and I look down at my lap.

He gets in the bed next to me, wet shorts and all and pulls me to him so we're chest to chest.

He rests his chin on the top of my head.

"I could never leave you Kat.",he whispers. And I know if my heart it's the truth. Sometime later I drift off into a state of being half asleep and half awake.

I hear voices downstairs and I guess Niko does too because he ever so slowly pulls away from me and gets out of bed.

He pulls the comforter up to my chin and presses a kiss to my temple. He lingers a bit and then brushes his lips against mine before completely pulling away.

A smiles spreads across my face and the last thing I hear is Niko's chuckle before I fall into a deep sleep.

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now