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Niko and Kaitlyn^^^

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Niko and Kaitlyn^^^

30k!!!!! I love you guys <3

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"I'll see you tomorrow then.",I say as I pick up my duffel bag from the floor.

I had talked to James that maybe it was better if I moved back home. I told him it had been too soon for me to move in and we should have some space.

We decided to start over and so James had asked me on a date for tomorrow and I agreed.

"Sounds great. I'll pick you up at 7.",James says opening the front door for me.

"Even though I know it's not over it still hurts to see you go.",James says with a sigh. I step out into the hallway and turn to him.

"I know. It feels weird leaving to me too."

"Yeah..",he trails off he takes a tentative step forward and his fingers push a part of my hair behind my ear.

His fingers glide down my cheek and he runs his thumb over my lips.

"Can I kiss you?",he asks.

"I don't usually kiss before the first date.",I say smiling. James smiles back and after a few seconds he drops his hand.

"Tomorrow.",he says.
I nod and walk towards the elevator. James waits until the elevator arrives before going inside.

Starting over will help us both. This time I'll try not to rush everything like I usually do.


I get back to Angie's and Niko greets me at the door.

"There you are. I've been worried sick.",he says pulling me into his arms. I pat his back awkwardly before pulling away.

"I wasn't gone that long.",I say walking towards my room. Niko follows me and leans against the door frame.

"So you went to his place.",he says pointing at my bag.

"Yeah I did.",I mutter not meeting his gaze.

"So it's finally over.",he says and even though I'm not looking at him I know he's smiling.

I fall back onto my bed and stare at the ceiling.

"Actually....we worked it out and we decided to start over.", I rush out.

I hear Niko curse under his breath.

"What do you mean you're going to start over?",he says coming over to stand in front of me.

When I meet his eyes I immediately regret saying anything. He's glaring down at me with so much pain and anger it makes my stomach drop.

"I gave him another chance.",I whisper. Niko closes his eyes, pressing the heels of his hands into them.

"Dear God Kat are you that stupid.",he says almost shouting.

His words cut deep and the anger starts bubbling up inside me.

"No I'm not stupid. I thought about it and I love him too much to just throw everything we have away.", I say trying not to scream.

"He doesn't treat you right Kat. He put you in a hospital for fucks sake.",he says staring at me as if I had suddenly grown three heads.

"He didn't mean it Niko you know that. He treats me good. I haven't had a problem with him in so long. He loves me.",I say trying to make him understand.

"I love you too but that doesn't mean I would ever put my hands on you.",he says.

I roll my eyes.

"But you would have sex with countless girls, parade them around, sleep with me and then leave and then come back with your baby mama and a fucking baby and you want everything to be back to normal. I'm not the stupid one you are.",I shout at him.

All the patience I had a moment ago has vanished.

It was all coming out and nothing could stop it.

"Oh let it go. I didn't have a chance to tell you.",he says sounding exasperated.

"Stop lying. Jesus Christ. You don't just find out and then fly out to California the nexr fucking day. You knew about for a while and you didn't tell me.",I say getting right up in his face.

His face falls and I know I've got him.

"Exactly.",I say turning my back on him.

He grabs my arms and turns me around.

"No, you don't know anything Kaitlyn.",he says letting his hand fall to my hip.

"Tell me then.",I whisper.

His green eyes search my face and I get lost in them.

"Am I interrupting something?",Anne says standing in the doorway.

Of course.

Niko drops his hand from my waist and quickly turns around.

"No babe nothing I was just helping Kat unpack.",Niko says walking towards Anne.

He places a quick kiss to her cheek.

Anne looks back at me sadly.

"Oh Kat did you and James break up?",she asks frowing.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"No we're still together. I've decided that we needed a bit of space so I'm moving back.", I say.

Why am I even explaining myself to her.

"Oh honey you shouldn't stay with someone who treats you like that. You can d-",I cut her off.

"And maybe you should mind your own business. Don't you have a kid to take care of?",I say a bit too harshly.

She looks taken back.

"That's enough Kaitlyn. Anne why don't you wait for me at the door.",Niko says placing his hand on her back to lead her out.

"Ok. I'm sorr-",she starts but Niko shakes his head.

"You have nothing to apologize for babe just go wait by the door.",he says and Anne walks out.

Niko waits a few seconds before turning back to me.

"You don't need to be such a bitch you know.",Niko says glaring at me.

"Oh fuck off.",I mutter.

"Maybe you should try being nicer to Anne and me.",he warns.

"Why the fuck would I want to do that?."

"Well Angie is going to be gone for a while with Brad and we will be house sitting while she's gone.",he says.

I laugh.

"That's okay I can house sit since this is my house. You guys can go back to your own apartment.",I say flopping back onto the bed.

"Actually we moved back in here. Angie thought it was stupid that we were living three floors below her. She thought we would be much better off up here. There was room since you were gone so we said yes.",he says.

I sit up quickly.

"You can't live here.",I say.

"Watch me.",he says and has the audacity to wink.


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