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I open my eyes and am met by darkness. I glance at the digital clock on the nightstand.

It reads 2:29 am.

Why am I up?

I sit up and listen. Yeah there it is. I wasn't just imagining.

Someone is pounding on the front door.

I nudge James and he stirs but doesn't wake up.

"James. James wake up.",I say shaking his shoulder. He opens his eyes and looks around.

"What's wrong?",he groans.

"Someone is pounding on the door.",I whisper. He stops and listens.

He sits up quickly, all drowsiness forgotten.

"Stay here.",he says grabbing his discarded shorts and boxers off the floor. He throws them on and reaches under the bed.

He pulls out a silver baseball bat and starts heading out of the room.

"Be careful.",I say. He nods and walks out. I get up and quickly throw on a robe and pad quietly to the doorway.

I can't see who James is talking to since he's is blocking the doorway but at least I know it's not trouble because the bat is resting against the wall and James is actually speaking to the person.

I go back and sit on the bed and wait for James to return.

He comes back a few minutes later and gets back into bed and closes his eyes. I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. 

"So who was it?", I ask incredulously.

"Brad."He says, eyes still close.

"And what did he want?",I ask impatiently.

"Nothing.",he says and turns so he is facing away from me.

"It must be something if he comes knocking down our door at 2 in the morning. Why are you being so difficult?",I say feeling myself starting to get worked up.

He breathes out and sits up, turning to face me.

"Promise you won't over react."he says. I bite my tongue to keep from snapping at him.

"Promise."I mutter.

"Niko got into a car accident. There now lets go back to sleep."he says and lays down once again.

"What?",I say getting up from the bed.

"He got into a car accident no big deal. Come back to bed."he says. I rush out of the room and grab my phone from the couch. My mouth falls open when I see all the missed calls and messages there are.

Some are from Niko from, most though are from Angie and then some more from Brad. I scroll through the messages quickly. 

From Angie

Where are you? I've called you a million times.

Niko got into a car accident. 

I was at Brad's house and we got back and there were beer bottles everywhere. Niko got into an argument with Anne.

A police officer showed up at our door 30 minutes ago.

Come to the hospital.

Are you okay?

Oh God Kaitlyn it's bad. Please come. 

I ignore the rest of the messages and quickly call Brad.

He answers immediately. 

"Did you leave yet?",I rush out.

"No I'm in the parking garage. James said you would come tomorrow-"he starts but I cut him off.

"Give me 10 minutes. Please."I say and hang up.

I rush back into the room and James is sitting up in bed.

"You're not going."He says. 

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you."I shout.

"He's doing it all for attention Kat. He wants you to go over there and take care of him so he can spend time with you. We can both go tomorrow."He says bluntly.

I stare at him in shock.

"Are you fucking insane? That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say. I can't believe you right now."I say grabbing a random t-shirt and some pants.

"You're not going Kat. I'm your boyfriend Kat not him. How many times must I repeat that. You belong here not with him. We can go tomorrow."He says getting up from the bed.

He stands in front of me and throws the t shirt and pants onto the floor.

Tears start to fall from my eyes. Both sad and angry.

"It's easy then. You're not my boyfriend anymore."I say and grab the shirt and jeans again. I remove my robe and get dressed.

"Oh Kat come on you're not serious."he says . I don't reply.

"Oh my god okay fine we can go now. Just give me a minute to get dressed."He says throwing his hands up in surrender. 

"No."I say grabbing my shoes.

"No? Kat come on please stop messing around. If it means so much to you we can go but you can't break up with me over a silly argument."he says.

I wipe away my tears.

"But it's not just about this "silly argument" James it's so much more than that. I-I love Niko. I love him so much. But I couldn't be with him because I couldn't allow myself to be a homewrecker and separate Niko from Anne and Zachary.  And you. I love you James I do. But it's not enough. And god did I want it to be enough but it's not. Ever since the beach house this relationship has been going downhill and it's all my fault. In my deluded mind I thought it would be okay. That our love was strong enough to overcome what had happened but its not. When you look at me its not the same and my feelings have been slowly fading away. I can't go on like this and I can't drag you along like this James. I love you I do but it's not the same anymore."I say.

My cheeks must be tear stain by now. I give up wiping away the tears because there are too many.

James is crying now too and it hurts me even more because I have never seen him like this. So broken.

"Kat please you can't. Our love is enough. My love for you is enough for the both of us please don't leave me."He says pulling me to his chest.

"Please James don't. You're making this harder."I sob. I pull away gently and he lets go his arms dropping to his side.

"I never meant to hurt you like this. I truly thought we could be happy together but I just can't be with you when I love someone else it's not fair to you."I say.

"So what you're just going to run back into his arm just like that."he says angrily.

"It's not like that. I need time. Time to myself. It hasn't even been a year and I've been in four relationships. I've hurt too many people and along the way I've hurt myself too."I say.

"So there's still a chance we can work this out? After you've had your time we can try again."he says hopefully.

"No James there's not. It's always been him."I say.

"But you chose me Kat.",he says his voice breaking.

I bite back a fresh wave of tears and start heading to the door.

"I'll be by some time to get my things.",I say without turning back.

"But you chose me Kat.",he says again.

I take a deep breath and open the door. I step out and take one last look at James.

"I chose wrong."I say.

This hurt me to write.

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now