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"Bye babe I'll call you later.",I say turning to James.

"Ok. Bye.",he says leaning over to kiss me. We lose ourselves in the kiss until the sound of a car horn brings us back.

I laugh as I get out of James' car. I wave as he drives away and then head into the apartment building.

I reach the apartment a few minutes later and when I open the door Niko looks up from the couch.

"Hey.",I say shutting the door behind me.

"Hey.",he says eyeing me up and down.

I had on one of James' hoodies and a pair of shorts I had left at his house. I didn't feel like putting on my clothes from yesterday after I took a shower.

Or should I say James and I took a shower. I can't help but smile.

"Where you waiting for me?",I ask walking over to the arm chair.

I drop my clothes on the floor next to me.

"No just...sitting.",he says with a frown.

I ignore it.

"Where's Anne and the baby?",I ask.

He looks up searching my face.

I drop my gaze.

"I don't know. I don't know about many things these days it seems.",he says bitterly.

I look up confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?",I ask.

"Noting. Absolutely nothing.",he says getting up from the couch and walking away.

I stand and grab his arm stopping him.

"What's your problem?",I ask extremely confused.

He turns to me his face softening a bit.

"I'm sorry it's not you. It's Anne. I didn't mean to direct my anger at you.",he says running his fingers through his hair.

"It's ok do you want to talk about it?",I ask.

He studies me for a minute before nodding.

He takes a seat on the couch and I take my seat on the armchair.

"She just seems so distant lately you know. Everytime I talk to her its like she's barely listening. ",he says.

"Have you confronted her head on?",I ask.

He sighs.

"Too many things on my mind.",he mutters.

"Like what?",I ask.

"You.",he says looking up.

"Oh Niko please let's not do this again.",I say.

"No let's do it now. Let's do it everyday until you can see how much I need you. There is no one else for me Kat. It's you. Always you.",he says taking one of my hands into his.

I sigh and pull my hand back.

"You have Anne and Zachary. They're your family. Try to make them happy. I'm happy why can't you just deal with it.",I say exasperated.

"Becasue I love you! Can't you swwe that? I try to forget but I can't. Every time I'm with Anne I'm comparing her to you. Zachary is the love of my life but all I can imagine is how our babies would have looked like. Why can't you just see how much you mean to me?",he asks kneeling down in front of me.

He takes both my hands into his and brings them up to his face.

"I can be everything you want if you just gave me a chance,"he whispers.

"I can't. I love James. You have a family please just move on. Please.",I say standing up.

I walk away and he stays kneeling by the armchair.

I shut my bedroom door and flop down onto the bed.

Why does everything have to be so complicated?


2 weeks come and go.
James and I have been having the time of our lives.

We see each other every other day. Sometimes we go out and other times we stay in.

It's hard to keep our hands off each other for more than five minutes.

Everything was great for the most part.

Except there was Niko.

He had gotten better with Anne from what I've noticed but once in a while I'll catch him staring at me way too intense.

He'll try to sit closer to me than Anne when we're on the couch. Mostly little things that I try my best to ignore.

But its hard to ignore when he's always there. His presence takes up the whole room and it's hard to pretend he's not there.

Especially when he laughs. His laugh carriers around the room and his smile makes the room light up as well.

But I try hard to ignore it.

But the more I notice Niko the more I also notice Anne.

I notice how she always seems a bit jittery or at times utterly lost.

But I try ignoring that too because then I'll start thinking about Niko too.

I was thinking too much and that only lead to bad things.

I look up from the couch as Niko and Anne come in.

Anne smiles at me and then continues on to Niko's room to check on Zachary.

Niko flops down next to me.
Too close.
Always too close.

I discreetly try to put some space between us.

"Everything went well with Zachary?",he asks.

"Yea I put him to bed about 20 minutes ago after I fed him.",I say.

That's the other thing I have been baby sitting Zachary a lot so Anne and Niko can go dates.

It sucks cause I've become attached to him.

I sigh.

"Thanks again for watching him."

"No problem."

We fall into a comfortable silence after that.

A couple minutes later Anne comes in and Niko ever so slightly separates himself from me as Anne takes a seat next to him.

There's a knock at the door and I jump to answer. I open the door and jump on James wrapping my arms around his neck.

He stumbles back but luckily he doesn't fall.

"Well hi there babe I missed you too.",he says wrapping his arms around me.

I pull back and give him a big sloppy kiss.

"I've missed you."I say.

He smiles and sets me down.

"I can tell.",he smirks.

We walk in and I shut the door behind us.

"Sup guys.",he says and waves at Niko and Anne.

Anne turns and smiles at us while Niko stares at the t.v. and nod.

I lead James to my room and push him back onto my bed.

I straddle his lap and pressed my lips to his.

His hands go to my hips slowly pressing them down onto his erection.

I groan into his mouth and move my hand down to his neck. I scatter love bites all over his neck.

"Fuck",he says sitting up breaking the spell.

"Uhh James",I pout slightly bouncing on his lap.

He hisses out and places his hands firmly on my waist to keep me still.

"I want to talk.",he says.

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now