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When I got home it was about 10:56 so I slowly shut the door behind me. I padded quietly across the floor to the hallway. I knew I had to passed my Angie's room to get to my own.

I took a deep breath and slowly stepped by her door. Is should have kept going but I stopped. I pressed my ear to the door and held my breath.

I could hear Angie talking to someone and then that someone responding. Brad must have come over.
I quickly walked to my room and shut the door behind me. I change my clothes and then jump into bed.

Just as I'm about to go to sleep my phone goes off. I grab and make sure the volume is turned down before I open the text message.

So did you go out with him?


I roll my eyes and send a quick reply.

Its almost 11:30 and Yes


I put the phone down and then have to pick it up again when it vibrates.

I don't know how you could to out with him.
Anyways goodnight Kat.


I don't respond I just read it and put the phone back. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling wishing that Niko was here holding me.

I rub my face and pull the comforter higher up so its under my chin. I fall asleep instantly after that.

When I wake up it's because someone is calling me. I quickly sit up in bed and look around wildly. The digital clock on the nightstand says it's 3:00am. I groan and pick up my phone hitting the answer button.

"Hello", I say sleepily.
"How could you just leave me like that", says a quiet voice on the other end. All the sleepiness drains from my body when I here his voice.

"Isaiah I-"
"Why Kat I gave you everything you knew how I felt",He says and then I hear something shatter. My heart speeds up and I'm slowly inching out of my bed.

"Isaiah please calm down ok.. Where are you?", I say looking for my shoes and a jacket. I finally find my shoes and slip them on. Now onto my jacket.

"Somewhere just thinking about how you left me", he slurs. I can here music and screaming in the background so he must be at a party. I quickly rack my brain for any information on parties but I can't come up with anything.

I rubbed my eyes angrily and curse.
"Isaiah please just tell me where you are so I can go and pick you up",I beg. I look down at how in dressed. An oversized blue shirt that goes down to my thighs and black shorts that my shirt is currently covering.

I forget all about the jacket as I wall quietly out of my room. I grab Angie's car keys and walk out of the apartment. Something else shatters on the other side of the phone followed by laughter.

"I don't understand Kat", he says and the line goes dead. I curse as I slam the car door shut. I pull out of the garage and quickly dial James's number. It rings a couple of times and I'm about to hang up but he picks up.

"Are you ok?", he murmurs.
"Do you know about any parties going on today?", I ask and have to slam on the brakes at the red light. Thank God the street is practically empty at 3:00am.

"Um...I think..Where are you?", he asks and I can hear him moving around.
"I'm in the car... on the where's this party?",I ask. The light turns green and I hit the gas. I pull over onto a street because I have no idea where I'm going.

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now