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Not related to chapter but I love this picture of "Niko" 😍🔥

I get in the car with Brad and fifteen minutes later we get to the hospital.

We hurry through the halls until we get to the emergency room doors. There we see Angie crying.

She looks up at us and rushes forward. She hugs me tight against her chest and cries harder. I cry along with her.

"Is he going to be okay?",I ask through the tears. Angie takes a couple of deep breaths to calm down.

"I-I don't know yet. They're doing surgery right now. They won't let me go since this isn't my shift.",she says.

"It's going to be alright.",I promise hugging her once again.

"Oh Kat. The police officer said it was bad. No one else was hurt. But Niko he was too drunk, he was going to fast and swerved out of control. He fell headfirst into a ditch.",She explains sobbing.

I cry harder.

"All we can do is wait and hope.",Brad says embracing us both. We take a seat on the uncomfortable hospital chairs and wait.

And pray.
And hope.

An hour or so later a doctor comes out of the emergency room.

"Family of Nikolai Barnes.",the doctor says. We stand up quickly and the doctor walks over to us.

"Is he alright?",Angie asks. I grip onto her hand tightly.

"There was a lot of blood loss. His left arm is broken in three places and he has a concussion. And some internal bleeding. A shard of glass pierced his stomach but thankfully no internal organs were damaged. But he's okay. He's going to need awhile to recover but he's going to live.",the doctor says giving us a tired smile.

Angie breaks down into tears again. Brad hugs me tighter.

"It's okay Kat. He's okay.",he whispers. I nod and hold on tighter.

"When will we be able to see him?",Angie asks.

"I'm afraid not for a couple more hours. Sorry Angie. It's procedure in cases like this.",the doctor says.

Angie nods.

"Thanks anyways Jim.",she says. Jim nods and walks away.

We all take a seat again.

"Where's Anne?",I ask.

"I have no idea. I've called her a hundred times but it goes straight to voicemail. Is James coming by later?",She asks.

I sigh and look down at the floor.

"No. Not later. Not ever.",I whisper.

"Oh Kat what happened?"Angie asks lifting my chin.

"I couldn't do it anymore. I...I love Niko.",I say crying. Angie stays quiet.

I look up at her and she looks at me sadly.

"I know baby. He loves you too. So much.",She says. I smile and hug her.


Finally about two hours later we're allowed to see him. I hesitate before stepping into the room.

I take a deep breath and walk in behind Brad and Angie.

My eyes immediately fall on Niko.

He's wearing a cast on his left arm and has a bunch of tubes sticking out of his body. There's a bandage wrapped around his head and an oxygen mask over his mouth.

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now