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Aww did you guys miss Raphael? 😍🔥

I love you. Always. -James

I flip the photograph over. It was a picture I took of us on his phone.

I'm staring directly into the camera while James is looking at me. My hair is in a messy bun and his is sticking in all different directions. The smile on my face and the smile on his face tells me all I need to know.

We were truly in love. Every minute and every second of our relationship was real. The tears start to fall, a couple of them landing on the photograph.

I place it back in the envelope and wipe away my tears. I put the envelope in my drawer and change into some more comfortable clothes.

I try to forget about the photograph but I can't.

I grab my phone off the nightstand and dial his number.

It goes straight to voice mail.

Hey it's James. Sorry I missed your call. I promise I'll call back as soon as possible. Ok Bye.

The sound of  his voice makes my heart break.

Even though I left him. Even though I love Niko and I made the right decision, it doesn't hurt any less.

Because I loved him too. I loved him so much. And the way things ended between us hurts me so much. I had so much more to say.

I had to apologize.

"Kat? You okay.",I look up to see Brad standing in the door way.

I shake my head. He walks over to me and hugs me. I wrap my arms around him and cry.

I  cry and cry, letting all the feelings from the last two weeks pour out of me. Brad doesn't budge. He holds me until I finally stop crying.

He brings me a glass of water after I've calmed down and sits beside me on the bed.

He rubs my back soothingly.

I know he wants to ask what's wrong but he doesn't and I'm grateful for that.

"I'm fine Brad. Thank you.", I say after a while.

He purses his lips but nods anyways.

"Okay well if you need anything, I'm here for you.",he says standing up.

"I know Brad thank you.",I say.

"Okay well I just came by to pick up something for Angie. She's going to stay over at mines for a bit. Give you guys some space.",He says smiling.

"Oh she doesn't have to do that Brad.",I say.

"It's okay really. She wanted to spend some more time with me anyways.",he says.

"Okay. Thanks Brad.",I say one more time.

"No problem. I gotta go Kat. Bye.",He says giving me a quick hug.

After a couple minutes of thinking, I grab my phone and go to my messages and start typing.

"Can we talk?"

A couple of minutes later I get a reply.

From Raphael:

Of course. Does tomorrow at my house sound good?

To Raphael:

Sounds good. See you soon.

I place my phone back on the nightstand and walk back to Niko's room. 

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now