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(not edited)

Sorry I haven't updated um I've been busy with school and family.


Thank You So Much

But can you guys leave a comment so I know what you think of the book. Thxs.

All the Love N.

It was all a blur.

Everyone from the party had shown up when Isaiah had started beating up Edward.

They had taken out their phones and started taking pictures and recording. It was all a huge mess.

The neighbors had finally decided to call the cops and they arrived shortly afterward. They marched through the open door and immediately came to the kitchen.

Three cops had to pull Isaiah off Edward who was laying on the floor his face fifty shades of fucked up.

They had to hold back James when he tried to punch Edward when he was on the floor. They had taken everyone outside.

Hours had passed before I could go home. When I did get home it was already 7 in the morning. When I walked in with James behind me Angie was sitting on the couch.

She jumped up the minute the door closed and ran over to me. She three her arms around me and pulled me tight agaisnt her.

I groaned when her hand touched my cheek. It was "bruise" they told me when they were asking me questions.

They asked of I wanted to go to the hospital but I said no.
"Oh my poor baby how are you?",she asked.

She still hadn't notice James by the door staring everywhere but at us.
"I'm fine",I say biting my lip. She hugs me once again and then she tenses.

I bit the inside of my cheek as she pulls away. Her hand satay frozen in mid air as she looks James. I hear him take a deep breath.

"Hello",he says his voice only slightly wavering. Angie looked at me and then at James and then backed at James.

"What is he doing here?", she said through her teeth.
"Angie looked he helped me ou-",I started but she interupted me.

"How by taking you to a party where you were assaulted.",she said almost shouting.

"He didn't take me there I asked him for directions and he showed up because he was worried",I said throwing my hands up.

She didn't care though.
"I want him to leave now",she said pointing to the door. James shuffled uncomfortably from foot to foot.

I nodded at him and stepped outside and he followed pulling the door shut behind him. We stood silently for a few minutes until he coughed.

"Thank you",I say meeting his gaze. He frowns and looks down at his feet. I step forward and place my hand on his bicep.

"What's wrong?",I say. He looks up and pulls me into his arms. I slowly wrap my arms around his waist.

"She's was my fault For giving you those directions",he mumbles into the side of my head.

I pull away slightly so I can look up at him. He's still frowning. I caress his cheek and his eyes close briefly. When he opens them again I smile.

"Its not your fault ok were just helping me out and even though this all happened I'm still glad you gave me the directions so I could get Isaiah out of there.", I say smiling.

Isaiah had stayed behind getting questioned by the cops. He hadn't looked at me once after that and I couldn't help but feel hurt.

James nods and pulls me closer until my head is resting against his shoulder. We stay like that for a few minutes before James sighs.

"I better be going",he says. I lift my head away from his shoulder and nod. He doesn't let me go just yet.

He presses his forehead against mine and softly presses his lips against mine.

The kiss is short but sweet. I watch as a walks into the elevator and turns to me giving me one last smile.

I cross my arms over my chest and smile as the elevator doors close. I take a deep breath and walk back into the locking the door behind me.

Angie is still standing in the same spot where she was when I left. I lean against the door and look down at the floor.

"I can't believe you Kaitlyn", she says. I look up and open my mouth to speak but she doesn't let me.

"No I'm going to talk and you're going to answer me without any interruption..Do you understand?", she asks.

She doesn't really wait for me to answer though.

"I don't understand you knew I didn't like him from the start and when he left I though you would finally realise what kind of person he was but the here we are two years later and your hanging out with him again just like in the beginning he's getting you in trouble all over again. I thought you had really matured but I guess your still and I'm sorry a hoe. First you go out with Raphael and then you sleep with my brother and then Isaiah and now James. I thought I had raised you better even if its been only for a couple of years."she says and then picks up her bag and gently pushes me away from the door and leaves.

I stand dumbfounded. What had my life come to? I walk to my room and grab my phone. It rings for a few minutes before a voice answers.

But not his voice.
A woman's voice.

"Hello",she says.
"Umm yeah is Niko there?",I ask clenching my hands into fists.
"He just went into the shower but do you want me to leave a message.?"

I'm tempted to just hang up and forget about it but I don't.
"Um yeah could you tell him that I miss him and that my whole life is fucked up.. and that. . and yeah...actually don't say anything sorry.", I say and quickly hang up.

Pray for Paris.
Stop the Violence.

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now