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All the love

"Yes I'm going out with James!",I snap. How the fuck did he even know about James?
"Dont...why would you even to out with him after he hurt you so bad?",he asked.

I furrowed my brow why was he whispering? And how did he know so much about James?
"Are you being fucking serious right now?"I say.
He tries to interupt but I keep going.

"You have no fucking right to say anything about who I go out with?"
"Niko are you coming?",I hear a female voice say again.
"In a minute Anne",he says. I roll my eyes.

"Why dont you just go back to your fucking little slut and leave me alone!",I shout into the phone and hang up. I'm tempted to throw the phone again but the front door opens.

Angie looks up and the surprise evident on her face. She walks in and shuts the door, immediately dropping the grocery bags on the floor.

"Kaitlyn I'm so happy you're back",she says smiling.
She takes small, cautious steps towards me and then finally sits beside me. We don't say anything for a few minutes. She stares at me and I stare at my hands.

I glance at the time on my phone 6:53. I should probably start getting ready. I wring my hands in my lap and finally I open my mouth.

"Well um yeah I'm back....I guess I have something to do so I should probably start getting ready.",I say standing up.
"Um yeah ok...where are you going.",she asks.

"To the park to meet up with an old friend",I say. I don't wait for her to say anything and walk to my room. I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and and a red
v-neck shirt. I quickly walk to the bathroom and take my shower and wash my hair.

I step out, the hot water having calmed me down a little, and dry off. I put on my clothes and comb through my wet hair. After I put on my Converse and I'm good to go.

I look at the time on my phone.
I quickly walk out of my room and walked towards the front door. Angie is sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Ok I'll be back later dont wait up", I say and walk out before she can say anything. I think I hear her sigh but I brush it off and hop on the elevator.

"Fuck",I curse and quickly run out the elevator before the doors close. I quickly unlocked the door and walk in. Angie looks up surprised.

"Can I take your car?",I ask. She hesitates for a moment but the nods her head. I grab the lets off the hook on the wall.
"Thanks",I say and run back to the elevator.

When I reach the parking lot I quickly walked to Angie's car and hop in.
It takes like 20 minutes to get to the park. I groan as I pull the car onto the road.

My knee keeps bouncing up and down as the minutes on the clock tic by.

Finally I reach the park. I quickly park the car and glance at the clock.
I take a quick moment to collect my thoughts before I slowly opened the door and stepped out.

It was fairly dark outside but the park had a lot of those big lamp posts. I crossed my arms over my chest feeling cold. I had no idea where I was supposed to meet James and I was sort of getting creeped out.

I pulled out my phone but before I could dial his number someone cleared their throat behind me. I jumped up almost dropping my phone.
"Shit sorry Kaitlyn",James said.

My heart stuttered as I turned around to face him. His eyes met mine and all of out times together began to flash in my mind. I take a step back before I realize it.

His face.
His body.
Everything about him bothers me and also makes me want to kiss him. I didn't think it would be this hard to face him again. I didn't think that it would feel like this.

Like there was something pressing down on my chest not letting me breathe. I glanced behind me and saw a big oak tree a few feet away. I held up a finger and quickly darted behind the tree pressing my back agaisnt it.

I crossed my arms over my stomach praying that I wouldn't throw up. I took a couple of deep breaths and wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans.

I can do this
I can do this...
I can't do this

I slid down the bark until I was sitting on the floor. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. I knew I probably looked stupid but I couldn't help it.

I closed my eyes trying to stop my heavy breathing. A tree branch snap close to my right but I didn't open my eyes. I heard movement and then all was silent except for my breathing and James breathing.

I knew it was him coming to check up on me But I couldnt bring myself to open my eyes at least not yet. It was silent for a few minutes.

I took a deep breath and finally opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was James sitting directly in front of me his face resting in his hands looking at me. He looked at me concerned.

"Hi",he says after a few more minutes. I ignore the flutter in my chest and sit up a bit straighter letting go of my knees.
"Hi",I breathed.

He smiles kindly at me and something in my stomach stirs. I dont know whether I wanted to punch the smile off his face or smile back at him.

Decisions. Decisions.
I chose to just sit there and stare back at him. His smile slowly dropped and he scratched his head. I looked at him eyebrows raised. He told me to come here so he can tell me something so why was he stalling?

He rubbed his hands together and I wrapped my arms tighter around my stomach. It was seriously starting to get cold even if it was the summer. Florida has some crazy weather.

"Well um thanks for agreeing to come meet me today",he said. His voice was just like I remembered. It was always low and gentle. I looked at him for the first time I really looked at him.

He was much leaner than he used to be. And he had somewhat of a beard. His face was more defined than it used to be. His jaw was stronger and more defined and so where his cheekbones. But what stayed the same was his eyes.

His perfect blue eyes. He was a total heartbreaker who had broke my heart.
"Why did you leave me James?",I say the words escaping from my mouth.

His eyes widen and he seems taken back by my question. He places his hands in his lap and take a deep breath.

"I didn't have a choice",he says.

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now