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(not edited)


"Hands to yourself baby",I say as we reach the door to the apartment.

"No promises",he says winking. I laugh and turn to the door staring at it.

I bring my hand up stopping centimeters from the door. I took a deep breath and knocked. James placed a hand on my waist giving it a small squeeze.

A few moments later the door opened.

"Oh Kat I'm so glad you came",Angie said throwing her arms around my neck and pulling me to her.

"Hey Angie",I said wrapping one arm around her since the other one had the gift bag.

She pulls back smiling and her gaze settles behind me.

Her smile falters a little bit but she extends her hand anyway. I roll my eyes pushing her gently towards James. She grunts but eventually gives him a quick hug.

James gives me a thumbs up as Angie lets him go. Angie ushers us in and closes the door behind us.

"Brad is in the living room go say hi to him", Angie says and then heads to the kitchen.

We walk into the living room and Brad stands up from the couch opening his arms. I laugh and run over to him throwing my arms around his neck.

"Hey Brad I've missed you",I say as he gently sets me down on my feet.

"I've missed you too kiddo", he says ruffling my hair.

"Hey hey you're gonna mess it up dork",I say smoothing my hair down again. Brad smiles.

"And who might this be", he says extending his hand to James. James smiles and shakes Brad's hand.

"I'm James I'm Kat's boyfriend", he says placing a hand on my m back.

"Well it's nice to meet you hopefully you're treated her right", he says in a serious tone.

"Yes Sir"James says.

"Brad leave him alone",I say laughing as Brad continues giving James a hard stare.

He laughs.

"I'm just kidding mate don't look so scared",Brad says. James chuckles pushing his fingers through his hair.

"Here we got you something",I say handing over the gift bag.

"Thanks guys",Brad says digging around in the bag an pulling out the gifts.

The last thing he pulls out is the ice pack and he laughs.

"I love it", he says placing everything back in the bag. He stands up pulling both me and James into a hug.

"Oh God Brad is going soft",a voice says from behind us. Brad lets go of us and I see Anne carrying the baby. I glance behind her and Niko is staring at us.

Brad laughs and walks over to Anne giving her a side hug and taking the baby in his arms.

"Hey little guy",he says caressing the baby's face. I look away James wraps his arms around me turning me around.

"You ok?", he asks kissing the top of my head. I look up at him and nod.

"I'm fine silly don't worry",I say trying to fix his hair. Someone clears their throat behind us. I turn around coming face to face with Anne.

She gives me a warm smile and I give her a lopsided one.

"Hi",I say.

"Hey good to see you again", She says. She pulls me into her arms startling me. I awkwardly wrap my arms around her waist giving her a squeeze. She pulls back smiling.

My Bestfriend's Brother 2Where stories live. Discover now