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Me- "Updates more frequent" "Book could be finished by Friday"

Also me- Doesn't update for weeks

I hate myself.

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"We should go out.",James says turning to me.

I turn away from the tv to look at him.

"Why?",I ask.

He furrows his brow.

"Babe you haven't left the house in weeks.",he says scooting closer to me.

"Yeah I know.",I say looking down at my lap.

"What are you hiding from?",he whispers. He tilts my head up so I look up at him.

His blue eyes search mine.

"Nothing babe. You're right. Lets go out.",I say putting up a fake smile. James frowns but lets it go.

I lean forward to kiss him. He smiles and kisses me back.

"Go get dressed.",he murmurs against my lips.

"Ok baby."I say kissing him once more before getting up.

I throw on some jean shorts and a crop top. I put on my trust converse and brush my hair.

"I'm ready babe.",I say walking back into the living room. James smiles and gets up from the couch.

"Okay lets go.",he says taking my hand and leading me out of the apartment.

We end up going to watch a movie and then heading to small restaurant to eat.

"I'll be right back. Gotta go to the bathroom.",James says standing up. I nod and watch him walk away.

I gaze out the window deep in thought. My train of thought is broken when I see Angie exit the Macy's across the street.

I raise my hand to try and get her attention but quickly drop it when I see Anne come out behind.

And of course Niko walks out behind them carrying Zachary. (I deadass keep forgetting his name)

I watch as Niko takes Anne's hand and she kisses his cheek. They starts walking behind Angie and I watch them until I can't see them anymore.

He was happy. This was it. The proof I needed. I could move on. But in reality I couldn't.

Why can't I just let go?

I'm still looking out the window when James returns.

"Hey babe ready to go?",he asks sitting down once again.

I nod and we get up. James pays and we leave the restaurant hand in hand.

I look behind me to where Niko and Anne were headed to.

"Everything alright?",James asks also looking behind him.

"Yeah. Everything's...perfect.",I say kissing his cheek. He smiles down at me and we continue walking.

*1 week later*

I settle down next to James on the couch and he starts the movie.

I groan when my phone starts ringing on the coffee table. I lean over and grab it.

My eyes widen when I read the caller I.D. it's the fake name that I put for Niko.

James continues to stare straight ahead at the tv. I swipe to ignore the call and set the phone down on the coffee table.

A couple minutes later it rings again.

"Babe. I'm trying to watch the movie."James grumbles beside me.

"Sorry I'll go take the call in the kitchen."I grab the phone and speed walk over to the kitchen.

"What do you want?",I whisper shout into the phone.

"Bab-by",Niko slurs.

"What do you want?",I ask again tapping my foot impatiently.

"You of *hiccup* course.",he mutters.

"I'm going to hang up.",I say.

"No K-",he starts but I press the end call button before he can finish.

He calls again. I roll my eyes and hit the answer button.

"I need you.",he says.

"Niko please don't do this.",I say softly.

"No I reall-yyyy do.",he slurs.

"Your drunk.",I state.

"Please."I roll my eyes and hang up.

"Was it him?",James asks from behind me making me jump.

"Who?",I ask turning to him.

"Don't play dumb Kaitlyn.",he says coldly.

I fidget nervously under his intense gaze.

"Yea it was.",I whisper biting my lip.

He slams his hand on the wall. I jump back almost dropping my phone.

"I thought I told you to block his number.",he says.

"I-I was bu-",the phone starts ringing again.

"Answer it. On speaker phone.",he says. I hesitantly press the answer button and put it on speaker phone.

"Kaitlyn please I need you.",Niko says and it sounds like he's crying.

"Is everything alright?",I ask worried. James rasies an eyebrow at me but I ignore it.

"No.",he sobs.

"Niko tell me what's wrong?",I say. Not I'm seriously worried. I look at James but he doesn't look the least bit concerned.

"Everything. Everything is wrong. I need you.",he says.

I look around for my keys. I grab them from the bowl on the countertop and start heading towards the door.

"You're not going anywhere.",James says stepping in front of me.

"James I have to.",I say.

"You're not going.",he repeats.

"Is that James? Kat are you okay?",James takes the phone out of my hand.

"Don't ever call my girlfriend again.",James says ending the call. He throws my phone onto the couch.

"James please. He needs help.",I beg.

"He does but not from you. He has a girlfriend. You forget your place Kaitlyn."he says.

"My place?",I ask.

"Here with me. I'm YOUR boyfriend not Niko. You promised me Kaitlyn. You chose me."he says cupping my face gently.

I gaze down at the floor.

"You're right. I did. I'm sorry.",I whisper.

"You don't have to apologize. I love you Kaitlyn. Only you.",he says pressing his lips to mine.

He kisses me slowly and passionately.

"Come. Let me show you how much I love you.",James says leading me to the bedroom.

I ignore the constant ringing of my phone and folllw James.

A few hours later as I lay in bed with James' naked body pressed up to mine I let myself rethink my decision.

Did I choose wrong?


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