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Matty held my hand and led me through the club, pushing through bodies.
"Let's get a drink." He yelled over the music. I nodded and smiled.
Matty bought a few rounds of shots and we knocked them back one after the other, the familiar burning sensation sliding down my throat.
"Let's go dance." I smirked, leaning up to kiss his cheek. Our eyes met for a second and I knew that I was totally, completely in love with him. And I knew he was in love with me.
I took his hand and he followed me. We pushed into the centre of the dance floor. We danced for a bit, foreheads resting together.
"I love you." He mouthed.
I kissed him before he could say any more, my hands tugging at his hair. His hands slid down my back to rest in the back pockets of my denim shorts.
We broke apart grinning, his hands gripping my thighs and my arms looped around his neck.

"I'm gonna get us another round." I said, walking away to the bar. I could feel him watching me with that smirk of his.

I bought the shots and carried them back to where we were dancing, but Matty was gone. I looked around, and felt my heart drop to my stomach.
Matty was standing with another girl, kissing her.
She was beautiful, no wonder. With long black hair and a short tight black dress.
I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips. I bit my lip to stop tears falling.
Matty's hand grabbed the girl's shoulders and they broke apart, the girl smiling and licking her lips. Matty turned around and met my eyes.
"Here's your drink, asshole." I said, throwing the drink at him. He blinked in shock, his hair wet with vodka.
"Nikki," he started. I'd already started walking away.
Matty tried to grab my arm and get me to stop, but I pushed him off.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled, pushing an emergency exit door open.
The cool night air hit my arms and goosebumps prickled over my skin.
"Where do you think you're going?" Matty asked.
"Home!" I yelled, not turning back.
"I have the keys." Matty said.
"I'll get a cab." I shot back, walking further away from him.
"Nikki! Just wait! Let me fucking explain!" Matty yelled.
"Explain? Explain what? You making out with another girl? Yep, sure, you have my undivided attention. Feel free to explain that." I seethed.

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