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(A/N I'm honestly not even going to bother with smut warnings anymore lmao)

Matty and I spent the rest of the day laying in bed together at home. I ignored the pangs in my chest when I remembered he was leaving.

I got changed out of my clothes and slipped into one of Matty's old shirts, leaving me only in the shirt and my underwear. I knew he loved it when I was in his shirts, he said it looked sexy. I didn't complain - it smelled like him, and I wanted to live in it forever.

"I don't want to go." Matty said quietly.
"You're lying, of course you want to go. But it's fine. I'll be here when you get back." I said, leaning up to kiss his cheek lightly.
"But I want you with me."Matty whined.
"We can Skype, like you said. And we'll talk on the phone every day." I encouraged.
"It's not the same." Matty said, his fingers tracing soft circles on my knee. I shivered and he grinned at me.
"I'm going to miss you like hell. I can hardly go a day without missing you, how am I going to go two months?" I asked him.
"I know," Matty pulled me closer to his chest and wrapped his arms around me."I love you."

"So I don't know if this was a fight, but how about some make up sex?" Matty asked me, squeezing my thighs and smirking.
"You're such an idiot." I smiled, grabbing his face in both hands and kissing him. I rolled over so I was on top. He hummed in appreciation at me taking control.
"I'm so in love with you, you know that?" He said quietly, taking my entire body in. I sat with my knees either side of his torso, hovering above him.
"Cut it out." I mumbled with a laugh.
"No. You're stunning. And you're mine." Matty replied, curling his fingers around the back of my neck and pulling my face closer to his. We didn't kiss, just hovered with our lips barely touching. I peeled one eye open to see that Matty had done the same. Matty's head tipped back with a laugh and I couldn't help but join in. He pulled me so I came crashing down on top of him, our lips colliding. Matty flipped us over so he was in control and on top. I giggled as his hands ghosted over my skin, eruptions of goosebumps trailing after his fingers. His lips dragged over my tender skin, leaving pink marks behind. He pulled the tee shirt I was wearing up over my head, breaking lip contact for only a few seconds, only to smash his lips back to mine once my shirt was off.

His fingers traced over the seams of my underwear teasingly, making me moan quietly. I bit my lip to stop from moaning any louder.
"Why are you holding back? I love hearing you moan."Matty growled in my ear. His hands traced over my thighs, and I felt myself becoming wetter and wetter. He knew I was putty in his hands, and I could feel him smiling. He loved being in control, he loved that I was completely hanging on his every movement.
"M-Matty," I whimpered. "Please."
"What do you want me to do, babe?" Matty whispered, kissing my neck.
"Touch me more." I moaned, feeling his fingers pull at the fabric of my underwear slowly.
"Like this?" He murmured close to my ear as he tugged my underwear down torturously slow. I nodded eagerly, my eyes squeezed shut. He was going to drag this out, I knew it. His fingers continued to pull down my underwear, so slowly I could feel myself throbbing.
"Matty, stop messing about." I demanded.
"Fine." Matty said with a smirk, completely removing his hands from me.
I yelped, desperate for him to touch me again. "Matty, please." I moaned.
"That's more like it." He smirked, pulling down my underwear completely. I could feel my arousal between my thighs.
"Please, Matty. P-please touch me more." I begged. My eyes squeezed shut, I was so focused on the building sensation inside me.
I heard Matty chuckle from between my legs, pushing them apart slowly. I bit my lip in anticipation. I ran my fingers through his hair, loving that he moaned at me touching him. Matty started to lay soft, small kisses on my inner thighs. It wasn't enough. His lips trailed closer to my core, slowly but surely making me more and more aroused.
"Mat-" I stopped speaking as his tongue licked a stripe through me, making me cry out and gasp. I felt him smile against my skin. His tongue set to work, reaching spots inside me he hadn't before. Every time he heard me moaning that little bit too loud, teetering close on the edge of an orgasm, he stopped, leaving me crying out for him to touch me more. He was toying with me, seeing how far I could bend before I'd had enough. He continued with this for what felt like ages, quite literally driving me crazy.
"M-Matty," I moaned loudly, tugging at his dark locks softly. "Please." I begged once again.
"I've teased you long enough." Matty decided, pulling my thighs closer to him and setting to work, without stopping this time. I felt my eyes roll back into my head and didn't bother concealing my moans. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I moaned, my breaths becoming shallow and irregular. Matty's tongue swirled around my sensitive clit. I could feel my legs starting to shake uncontrollably. I was so close.
"Matty," I said breathily, desperately, weakly.
Matty moaned when I ran my fingers through his hair, sending a vibration through me and making my legs buck. He grabbed my hips roughly and pushed them into the mattress harshly, pinning me in place. Before I could say any more, Matty sent me over the edge, moaning and screaming and shaking.

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