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The next day we stayed for breakfast with Denise, but then said goodbye. We would be on the next flight back to London.

"Bye, love. You be careful with Nikki, she's a good one." Denise smiled at Matty as they hugged.
I stepped towards Denise to say goodbye.
"Take care of him, love. He really does love you." Denise whispered in my ear as we hugged.
"I will." I whispered, tears springing in the back of my eyes.

Matty and I caught a cab to the airport. Matty clung to my hand during take off and landing. I found it exciting, exhilarating. It always seemed like you were going somewhere new on airplanes.
I smiled as Matty squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the shaking of the seats and the rumble of the engine.
"You're so cute, you know that?" I said with a grin.
"I'm glad I amuse you." Matty shot back at me with a glare. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek, relaxing back into my seat to listen to some music.

Once we got back to the apartment, I started to unpack. I had always hated unpacking - it always felt deflating and boring.
"I hate unpacking." I whined.
"I know you do," Matty said with a smile. "But it's only a few things."
"No. I give up. I'll do it later." I said, flopping back onto the bed.
"Okay, I have a game." Matty said with a sly grin.
"What is it?" I asked, taking off my sneakers and smiling at him.
"I'll unpack for you. But for every thing I put away, you have to take one thing off." Matty said, eyeing my body.
"And why should I do that?" I asked with a smirk.
"You don't have to do something you don't want to do, and I get to see what I want to see." Matty smirked, licking his lips.
I bit my lip with a grin. "Fine." I said.

Matty picked up one of the dresses I'd packed and put it on a hanger before hanging it in the wardrobe. He raised his eyebrows, encouraging me. I rolled my eyes and peeled off my left sock, looking at him seductively, barely holding in a laugh.
"That's not fair!" Matty laughed.
I glanced at him smugly. He walked towards me. "Hold up your end of the bargain, babe." Matty demanded, coming to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck lightly.
"Fine." I sighed, pulling my shirt up over my head.
"That's more like it." Matty smirked, smacking my ass as he strode past me to hang a shirt up in the wardrobe.
"Your turn, gorgeous." He smirked.
I pulled my jeans down, shaking them off my legs. Matty bit his lip and took in the sight of me in my lacy black underwear.
"There's more things in that suitcase than I have on, Matty." I said.
Matty raised his eyebrows and shrugged cheekily. "Get creative. Surprise me." He said. He slowly hung up another pair of jeans and folded up a pair of pyjama bottoms, putting them away.
I winked at him as I slowly pulled my bra straps down over my arms, one after the other, watching him watch me.
"Keep going." Matty egged me on.
"You first." I said with a grin.
Matty sighed heavily and folded up a pyjama shirt.
I turned around so my back was to him and undid the clasp of my bra, throwing it behind me so it fell on the floor. I turned my head to look at him over my shoulder, hiding myself from him - Matty's jaw had dropped and he was staring at me in awe.
"Turn around." He demanded.
"You know what you have to do, babe." I sang with a cheeky grin.

Matty groaned and rolled his eyes, throwing the suitcase aside so it toppled over with a bang. He pushed me backwards onto the bed so he landed on top of me, I was trapped underneath him. I giggled like a child and he grinned at me, crashing his lips to mine.
"You're so fucking hot." He mumbled against my skin. His hands skimmed over my skin, leaving goosebumps, before settling at the band of my underwear. He tugged them down over my legs and pulled his shirt over his head. He peeled his jeans off and ran his fingers through my hair. I bit my lip to stop from moaning.
"Fuck, you're so hot." Matty mumbled with a grin.
"Shut up, Matty." I said with a small laugh. He smashed his lips to mine again and pulled his boxers down, tossing them across the room.

"Matty," I whined. He knew what I wanted, and he wanted it too.
"I know. Hold on." Matty said quickly, leaning over to grab a condom out of his bag. He rolled it onto himself and thrusted into me, making us both cry out. We'd missed each other, being this close. I'd missed his touch. We found a common rhythm and our hips clashed together. Matty's lips laid soft kisses on my neck and chest, before leaving a lingering kiss on my lips. His eyes held mine for a few seconds before my eyes fluttered shut as Matty hit a spot that made me scream. I could feel him smiling against my skin. My hands tugged at his hair, making him moan.
"F-fuck, Nikki." Matty groaned. His thrusts became sloppier, and his breaths became shallow and ragged. I could tell that he was close to climaxing, but he was waiting for me.
"M-Matty," I stammered. "I'm about to-" I couldn't get my entire sentence out before he sent me over the edge, leaving me moaning nothing but his name.

"I love you." He panted, rolling over so he was laying next to me.
"I love you." I whispered, kissing his cheek.
Matty pulled me closer to him so my head was in the crook of his neck. I listened to his heart beat return to normal. He kissed my forehead and let his eyes flutter closed for a second.

"It's like mid day, we should go and do something." I said quietly.
I tried to get up but Matty's grip tightened around me and he pulled me back next to him. "No. Stay here." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around my torso so I was trapped.
I laughed. "Come on, let's go do something." I said.
Matty shook his head. "No. I want to spend as much time with you before-"
"Before what?" I asked.
Matty opened his eyes sheepishly. "Nothing." He mumbled, nuzzling his cheek to my neck.
"Matty, what's going on?" I asked, pulling him away from me so he met my eyes.
"I - uh - fuck," he whispered.
"Matty. Tell me what is going on." I demanded.
"Me and the boys are going on tour." He blurted out.

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