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The next week dragged by slowly.

I went up to Jo's studio every day and painted constantly. It helped to keep me distracted and happy.
I went to an auction one night and met some of my critics and buyers. They were all full of praise for me and my art.

I didn't see Jake all week. I think he was avoiding Jo to avoid me.

"So - I heard from Jake yesterday," Jo said as we painted side by side. "He sounded kind of weird."
"What do you mean?" I asked, trying not to sound nervous.
"He got a bit weird when I talked about you. He seemed a little awkward." She said.
"Okay, I have to tell you something." I sighed.
"I knew something was up." Jo said quietly.
"Jake tried to - to kiss me." I said, staring at my painting and avoiding Jo's eye contact.
"Woah. Did you let him?" Jo asked.
"No," I said. "But now I think he's all awkward about it now and I don't want him to be uncomfortable around me," I confessed. "It's not a big deal because, like, nothing happened, but I don't know. He caught me off guard, you know?" I said.
"Yeah, he'll be alright. Just give it a few days." Jo said.
"Okay." I said quietly, returning to my painting.
"Did you - did you tell Matty?" Jo asked.
"Uh - yeah. He was pissed, but I think he's over it now." I said. I smiled at the thought of Matty.
"You really do love him, don't you?" Jo asked with a smile.
I nodded. "Yeah."

Jo could tell that I just wanted to be quiet, I think. She didn't push me to say anything about Matty or Jake.
Every day, she just let me paint for a few hours, thinking and listening to music. I appreciated it.

Matty and I talked on the phone all the time.
"I miss you every day." I said.
"I know. I miss you. God, I miss you." Matty sighed.
I wanted to hug him so bad, I just wanted him to come through the door and crawl into bed with me.
"Just think about when you get home. I'll be at the airport waiting." I said, smiling at the thought of running into Matty's arms.
"I'm going to hold onto that thought." He mumbled.
"Have you spoken to Jake?" Matty asked. I could hear him trying to keep his cool.
"No. I think he's avoiding me." I admitted.
"Oh." Matty said. He sounded happy that Jake and I weren't talking.
"I feel bad. I've made him uncomfortable." I said.
"He tried to kiss you. You should be the one that's uncomfortable." Matty said. I could hear he was getting angry.
"Don't be jealous, babe. It's fine. He's just a guy. I love you." I reassured him. I knew how jealous he got.
"I love you."

On Sunday we FaceTimed. Matty was laying in bed, he'd just woken up. His hair was a mess and he looked a little tired and a lot hungover, but happy.
"You okay?" Matty asked.
"Yeah," I said, rubbing my eyes. "Just tired."
"What time is it there?" He asked, getting up out of his hotel bed. The other boys weren't in sight.
"Late. I'm going to bed soon." I said, getting up off the couch and crawling into the cold empty bed.
"I wish I was there." Matty said, smiling at me. He bit his lip and watched me settle into bed.
"Me too, babe." I sighed, pulling the covers up to my chin.
"You're tired," he said. "Go to bed, baby." He smiled at me.
"Okay," I yawned, rolling onto my side to get comfortable. "Goodnight. I love you. Have fun today." I grinned.
"I love you. Goodnight." He said.
I blew him a kiss then ended the phone call.

(A/N: Yoo The Japanese House is opening for The 1975 at the Australian shows! I'm stoked)

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