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I was lying beside Matty in bed, our hands intertwined. The afterglow of sex was still in the air. We were laying side by side, not saying much. The silence was ringing in my ears. My thoughts were circling around my head in terrible chants. He's going to leave. He doesn't want this. It's ending.
"I don't want it to be awkward between us." I said quietly, my voice seeming like the loudest thing on earth after the heavy silence that had stretched between us.
"It's not going to be." Matty replied.
"I didn't mean to freak you out. I just wanted to know how you were feeling." I murmured.
"I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out." He mumbled.
I moved so my head was on his chest. "We don't have to talk about anything. I don't want anything more either, at the moment. I just didn't know how to ask. I had to know how this was going. I just wanted to know what you want-."
"Nikki," Matty interrupted me, squeezing my hand. "It's okay. You're fine, I'm fine. Everything's fine."
I sighed. "Sorry." I whispered.

The rest of the day dragged on. I still felt tension between Matty and I but mostly, it was under the surface. He seemed distracted.

3:02pm - Jo: Hey. Dinner at mine tonight? xx

3:03pm - Me: Sure...will Jake be there?

3:04pm - Jo: Yeah. Is that all okay? x

3:06pm - Me: Yeah. All good. See you tonight x

"Hey," I called from the kitchen where I was drying up dishes. "Jo just texted me. She invited us over for dinner tonight."
I saw Matty nodding from the couch where he was reading and smoking. I don't think he really heard me, or at least didn't really listen. "Did you hear what I said?" I asked.
"Cool." Matty said, his eyes not leaving the pages of his book. He obviously hadn't.
"And Jake's going to be there." I said, quieter.
"Yeah." Matty replied. I rolled my eyes. He wasn't listening.

I dried the bowl I had in my hand and set it on the counter top noisily. I flicked my hair off the shoulder and mumbled insults as I finished the rest of my dishes.
"Matty." I called.
He didn't hear me.
"Matty." I repeated.
Pay attention to me, I felt like shouting. I sighed heavily and walked to stand in the archway between the kitchen and lounge room. Matty's eyes hadn't left his book, he was completely oblivious. I sighed again, trying to catch his attention.

I stood there for a minute, waiting for him to notice me.
He hadn't.
With one final frustrated sigh, I strode over to him. I snatched his book out of his hands and set it on the coffee table harshly.
"Hey I was readi-" I cut him off by sitting with my knees either side of his hips and grinding into him.
"You're keen." He laughed, eyeing me up and down. His hands grabbed my hips, my hips guiding his hands as I rocked against his thigh.
I smiled at him and grabbed his face between both my hands, smashing my lips to his. I grinded deeper into him, moaning, feeling his member harden underneath me. I smirked to myself. I toyed with the seam of his jeans playfully. I ran my hands along the inside seam and loved that he threw his head back. He was so hard, and that was exactly what I wanted.
"Fuck." He said under his breath. His hands slid down to rest at my waist, pulling up the hem of my shirt. I pulled my shirt up over my head and Matty pulled his own off.
"What's gotten into you today?" He asked in awe, staring at me.
I pressed my lips to his again to stop him talking. His hands wandered to the seam of my underwear. He ran his finger along my underwear and smirked at how wet I was. His fingers slipped beneath my underwear and slid into me easily, making me gasp. I squeezed my eyes shut and rocked my hips against his finger, wanting more than just that.
"M-Matty," I moaned softly. He left sloppy kisses on my neck, nipping and sucking and making me moan louder. "This isn't-t enough." I whimpered.
Matty smirked at me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he picked me up easily, carrying us towards the bedroom. He stopped short at the doorway and pushed me up against the wall roughly, making me gasp. The wall was cold against my skin. He grinned and bit at the tender skin on my neck lightly. Without warning, his fingers slid into me again and rubbed my clit, making me moan. "F-Fuck - M-Mat-ty please." I squirmed underneath him, trying to get out of his grasp to get to the bedroom. His entire body was pressed against mine, not letting me go. He was still rubbing my clit, making my eyes roll back in my head.
"Tell me what you want, babe." He smirked against my neck.
"I wan-t you to f-fuck me." I stuttered.
Without another word, Matty carried the both of us to the bed and he was on top of me in an instant. His hands wasted no time in unclasping my bra.
"Fucking hell, Nikki." He said under his breath, leaving open-mouth kisses over my neck.
I let out a moan and Matty growled as he peeled his jeans off in a hurry.
"How much have you wanted this?" He said, tracing the lines of my underwear teasingly.
"M-Matty," I whined, rolling my eyes. "Please." I rocked my hips upwards, desperate for friction.
"Tell me how much you've been wanting this." He repeated, grabbing my hips roughly.
"A-A lot." I whimpered.
Matty grinned and then tugged down my underwear completely.
"Good." He said as he pushed my thighs further apart. I bit my lip in anticipation, watching him ready himself between my legs.
He looked up at me as if to ask I was ready, I nodded eagerly.

He thrusted into me, groaning in my ear. I moaned as we found a rhythm, our hips clashing. My nails clawed down his back and he tugged at my hair.
"Fuck, N-Nikki." He groaned, his breathing getting heavier and more ragged. He thrusted, I moaned.
"M-Matty-f-fuck." I stuttered.
Matty came before me and I was moaning uncontrollably, hitting my orgasm, soon after.
Matty rolled off me and collapsed next to me on the mattress.
After taking a second to catch our breath, Matty rolled onto his side to stare at me.
"I'm so in love with you." He said, trailing his fingers along my jaw.
I smiled and leaned over to place a gentle kiss on his forehead. "I love you too."

(A/N: Sorry it took a while to update. I haven't proofread or anything, so I'm sorry if this chapter is shitty. Next update should be better x)

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