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4:31pm - Matty: I want to come homeee.

4:40pm - Me: It'll be over before you know it babe x

4:41pm - Me: Oh and we're having dinner at Jo's house tonight, it'll be fun xx

5:00pm - Matty: Coolio x

I was in the bath, getting ready for dinner. After soaking in the bath for a while, I hopped out and stood in my towel in front of my wardrobe, picking out an outfit. I decided on a plain black dress that I'd bought a few weeks ago. I did my hair up into a messy bun and did my makeup.
Matty always said he liked my hair up, he said he liked when it wasn't down and covering my face.

6:12pm - Matty: Driving home now x

I smiled at my phone, suddenly really excited to see him. It felt weird, this new job. I was home, in my own apartment block. I felt like I was taking days off from my old job in the city. This would take some getting used to.

"Nik," Matty called. I grabbed my bag and hugged him at the door.
"Hey." I greeted him with a smile and a kiss. He snaked his arms around my waist and picked me up so my toes barely grazed the ground. I laughed.
"Hey." Matty grinned at me.
"What's got you so happy tonight?" I asked, curious.
"You. I missed you. Today was so boring without you." Matty said, grabbing my hands.
He pulled me inside our apartment and pinned me against the wall, smirking as he kissed me. I moaned quietly. This only encouraged him and he
Then my phone buzzed in my pocket, interrupting us. Matty's lips broke away from my jaw and sighed, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

7:03pm - Jo: Where are you guys? xx

"To be continued." I promised Matty, patting his cheek with a smirk. He groaned and rolled his eyes, but followed me out the door with a grin.
We walked together side by side, silently. It was easy to be around Matty, I'd known him for so long. I hadn't noticed out hands had become intertwined. It happened naturally and it made me smile.

We arrived at Jo's apartment. I suddenly felt a little nervous. What if Jo didn't like Matty? What if Matty didn't like Jo?
"Ready?" Matty asked, placing his hand on the small of my back. This snapped me back to reality.
"Yep." I said, knocking on the door.
"Hi!" Jo greeted us warmly. I could see two other people drinking glasses of wine behind her.
I gave her a quick hug. "This is Matty," I grinned, introducing the two.
"It's lovely to meet you." Matty said with a smile.
"Well, come inside, dinner's nearly ready." Jo said.

Matty and I followed Jo inside and we stood at the kitchen, making small talk. I placed the bottle of vodka I'd brought over on the counter top.
"Nikki, you didn't need to bring anything." Jo smiled.
I rolled my eyes. "Too late."

Jo introduced us to the two other people; Maggie and Gaia. They were a trendy-looking couple, smiling at each other. Maggie had long black hair and Gaia had a sprinkling of freckles over her cheeks. They both smiled at Matty and I, introducing themselves. They seemed lovely.
After we'd all introduced ourselves, we started to chat more.

Jo and I poured ourselves whiskey and coke, Maggie and Gaia had white wine and Matty had his red. Jo had made pasta. We all sat around the glass dinner table, sharing stories and laughing. I felt a fuzzy warmth in my chest, it made me grin really wide. We all felt like a strange sort of family, in a way. Matty's hand came to rest on my thigh.

"So, how long have you guys been together?" Jo asked Matty.
"Nearly two years." He replied, smiling at me. I blushed a little.
"That's pretty serious." Maggie said with a smile.
"Yeah, I guess. But she isn't sick of me yet, so that's good." Matty laughed, his hair falling into his eyes.

We drank and talked well after our plates were empty. We all got to know each other really well, it was nice. After a few hours, everyone was tipsy.

"Do you mind if I smoke in here?" Gaia asked, pulling out a spliff and a black lighter. Jo shook her head with a smile.
"Okay, well, if you're smoking, I'm smoking too." Matty laughed, pulling out a spliff he'd rolled already from his pocket.
"Same," Maggie and I said at the same time. We laughed and lit our smokes, all of us exhaling the trails of smoke into the air of Jo's apartment. We ended up sitting side by side on Jo's long couch, heads tipped back with constant smoke pouring from our lips. Jo laughed lightly, staring at us.

"Everyone freeze." Jo said. She ran into a back room and grabbed her camera, snapping photos of us. We grinned and smoked and drank and Jo took our pictures. It was nice.

"What was that?" Maggie asked with a laugh once Jo had packed her camera up.
"I want to paint you all, exactly like you were." Jo said with a grin.

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